RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Heretic_Infidel on 6/1/2024 in #fix-my-print
SuperSlicer won't extrude first layer
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Heretic_Infidel on 3/27/2024 in #ratos-support
EBB42 pin alias isn't recognized.
Hi, Just installed a EBB42 with the toolhead and klipper doesn't seem to recognize the pin-aliases as stated in the RatOS config. The result being that klipper throws the infamous 'ADC out of range' error because the thermistor isn't recognized. My expectation would be that the following config would rectify that: [extruder] sensor_type: PT1000 sensor_pin: e_sensor_pin In reality the following config is needed and with it it works like a dream. Same goes for the configuration of all other parts of the toolhead. Extruder fan doesn't trigger, etc. but a manual config and it is fine. [mcu toolboard] serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32g0b1xx_btt-ebb42-12-if00 [extruder] sensor_type: PT1000 sensor_pin: toolboard: PA3 Two configs are attached: config.txt is the 'before EBB42' config that worked without issue. The second is the config post-EBB42 with all pins manually set. The pin-config is commented out as i'm hunting an issue of my extruder massively overextruding which I why I'm trying going back to basics which caused my question. Question is: What could be going on here?
14 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Heretic_Infidel on 1/29/2024 in #ratos-support
SS out of bounds error after restart
Been printing with SS and all is great. Since the latest release I’m getting the weird issue that, when restarting a failed print via the ‘reprint printer icon’ an out of bounds move error is triggered. This never happens when doing a clean start or pushing the broom icon before restarting. SS is set to relative mode as per the RR vcore profile. From advice given in de slicer channel an assumption was that there might be a G90 or G91 in the start print Macro which I confirmed exist (twice) in the ratos ‘START PRINT’ macro. Any help to figure out what is going on here would be awesome so Ik now if it’s human error or a bug report for SS.
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Heretic_Infidel on 12/16/2023 in #fix-my-resonance
will more tuning help?
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