Sample spread always too large
I keep getting this error. I have checked all possible causes multiple times, tightened all screws several times, and inspected everything. When the pressure plate is cold, everything works fine, but as soon as it starts heating up, I always get this error. I've been trying to solve it for three days without success.

11 Replies
Have you tried heatsoaking the printer then trying to home/z-tilt?
Yes i have, I also let it heat up for more than fifteen minutes and started everything from scratch, but without success
What size printer? Some in here with 400s and 500s have seen significant enough movement after 25min
i have the 300, its selfsourced, But the Printplate, leadscrews and hardware kits were ordered directly from Ratrig. Only the aluminum parts were sourced separately, along with the rest of the components that Ratrig doesn't sell. However, I ordered all the parts exactly as required by the build.
Hm. I get that message sometimes during z-tilt but if I try it 3-4 times it'll eventually work. I've attributed that to heat moving things
This is annoying, as I haven't started a single print in days. Can't the value be changed or skipped ?
Probably, though I don't know how. And it is telling you that something is moving when it shouldn't
Is your z-probe secure? Some have found that when the machine heats up it gets loose, though it is rare
I also checked the problem, I tightened everything where it was heated up
This should go in #fix-my-printer as it isn't a ratos issue, but lets see what else it could be
Do you have "performance mode" enabled?
Yes, it is enabled. I will check everything again tomorrow and start from scratch, maybe I am overlooking something.
one that often gets missed is the z-screw couplers. Best of luck!