homing X Axis
Hi everyone. Has anyone had a issue with the X axis homing in the wrong direction intermittently ? All of a sudden for no reason 50/60% of the time now the x axis homes the wrong way. I haven't made any changes to the .cfg file and some days its worse than others.
8 Replies
Are you doing sensor less homing?
sunny-greenOP•15mo ago
no I'm using end stop switches.
That's why, your sensitivity is probably wrong so sometimes it is triggering before it hits the end of travel
he said no. Which.. is really strange!
@camos_93439 it's possible your X stepper crimps aren't the best, i'd try and redo those and see if that helps the problem. Is there any noise when the X axis moves at any time?
Ahh, I must have misread that. My apologies
Haha no worries, it would've made sense 😄
I can have a look and see. And no there’s no noise and the carriage moves freely. But in saying that I do also get random diagonal layer shifts…
But in saying that I do also get random diagonal layer shiftsthat points to a single motor issue, since a core xy machine uses a single motor for diagonals