Periodic horizontal mini patterns

Hi, any ideas what could be making the small periodic patterns (shown with red arrows --ignore the big blobs, those are just seams). That is supposed to be a 100x60mm vertical wall, aligned with y axis. (so probably can exclude PA or ghosting). PA, extrusion, PID, tuned. Using Vcore 500, 0.4 Rapido, Lgx Lite, ESUN PLA+, 210C, 85mm/s, four perimeters, outside first, 0.2 height . 4028 fan at 35% Since they are periodic I'd guess either issue with extruder gears or rail ball bearings? Maybe even overextrusion from the inside perimeters spilling over? Belt is maybe on the tighter side as well (at least compared to what other people have) if that could be a cause. If this is a common issue I'd really appreciate any advice before I start testing out things. Thanks!
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5 Replies
stormy-gold2y ago
What I've learned about dual gear extruders and how to patch them, ...
Part 2 of my experiments with 3D printer extrusion issues that have been bugging me for months. As I'm designing my own extruder, I've gotten a bit obsessed about figuring out what's going on. In this episode we're looking at what I consider a design flaw for all dual gear extruder (that I know of) and how to potentially patch it up. I'm also ex...
Extrusion Quality - Mystery issue resolved !
🍺 SUPPORT ME: How I identified and resolved my direct drive extruder inconsistent flow and print surface artifact. After release of this video I realized that many others have this issue. Thanks to people commenting here I was made aware of: Prusa Issue 602 -
quickest-silverOP2y ago
Thanks, if that's the problem seems unlikely i can fix it. I guess i should try to isolate the problem better. My main worry was rail balls getting out of shape
MoyMadrigal2y ago
Did you solve it
MoyMadrigal2y ago
To me, it only happen on Y
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quickest-silverOP2y ago
nah, found bigger fish to fry. didn't even test X vs Y. If it's only on Y, it seems to me the extruder gears are less likely the cause, maybe belt or rail related? Some videos I saw a while ago measured the distance between artifacts and found they match either distance between bearing balls or belt teeth. Pointing to those as the cause

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