I need correct pinout for 1st gen (old, original) X/Y endstops for v-Core 3 and Octopus Pro 442

As message says... I have switched from RRF to RatOS and everything works, except endstops, which, when connected, trip my smart plug (I think I was lucky with that one). The endstops are 1st gen, and I remember something about some pins needing to be switched around. I have attached a picture with the pinout at the endstop side. I just need to know which pins to switch around at the motherboard end. Currently, the plug is configureed according to the RatOS documentation.
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From what I see it looks ok to me
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7 Replies
blacksmithforlife•11mo ago
I would use a multimeter and continuity test it yourself to make sure it's correct
war4peaceOP•11mo ago
Well, I did, but I am still not sure how to wire them properly. They look correctly wired; when the switch is pressed, there is continuity between black and white when switch is not triggered, and there is continuity between red and white when switch is triggered. This means, af far as I could tell, that red is +5V, black is ground and white is digital pin. Am I wrong in my assessment?
blacksmithforlife•11mo ago
show us a picture of it wired on the board
war4peaceOP•11mo ago
Y endstop on Octopus pro motherboard, X endstop on ABB 42 1.1 Toolboard
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war4peaceOP•11mo ago
With both endstops disconnected, the printer starts fine. I haven't tried connecting one at a time yet, because I don't want to risk frying something.
blacksmithforlife•11mo ago
From what I see it looks ok to me
war4peaceOP•11mo ago
I tried again and it worked, with no modifications. The printer is fully alive now. Thank you for confirming I was not crazy 🙂

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