MCU shutdown: timer too close - after I start a print (quite a heavy file)

Hi, any ideas what is wrong with my printer? Once I have started a big print job, klipper shuts down with this error (photo below). I have done a couple of small prints with no problem, so I assume the gcode file is too heavy (which would be weird in my opinion)
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77 Replies
Dante Tango
Dante Tangoβ€’5mo ago
I'm getting the same error now too Tried with two different pi's
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
Are you getting this error when trying to print a larger file? Because I am not getting this error if gcode size is up to 250 mb Other gcode size is 350 mb. That’s when I first got this error okay this might not be related to gcode size, because I just got an error again with a smaller gcode
Dante Tango
Dante Tangoβ€’5mo ago
Yeah unrelated to size for me
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
That's really frustrating. @miklschmidt maybe you have some insights?
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
So you guys can't print anything right now? @armearme. please post a debug zip
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
I have managed to start the print once in the last 4-5 attempts. I also sometimes receive an error of "communication lost while homing" and similar.
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
I just tried to start the same gcode one more time and looks like this time it worked. And I did not have these errors until I have started to test the printer with large parts (250 mb gcode)
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
Hmm Can you show me a screenshot (or even better a video) of the live output of this:
After you've started a print ? In case it's a postprocessor issue, rebooting should help (at least to print smaller files). But it shouldn't run out of memory at this point, it should throw an error saying it can't post process the file instead. It might not have anything to do with that however. There aren't really any obvious clues in the logs.
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
idk now I have this:
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armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
that's during the bed probing before print starts
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
And this one after I press "home"'
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armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
okay that's getting bad. I just pressed "home" once more after the "communication timeout during homing", printer probed the bed 3 times and then shutted down:
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miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
Did you reboot? Please show me the output of htop.
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
I didn't understand, do I have to send that code via console after I start the print? or just after rebooting?
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
Ah, sorry, i'll explain better. It needs to be run through ssh, so open the command prompt (i'm assuming you're on windows). You can do that by hitting win + r then type in cmd and hit enter Then you write ssh [email protected]. Replace ratos.local with whatever hostname you've given your machine. It'll ask you for a password, the default password is raspberry when you're in, you type htop and press enter It'll show you a resource monitor, i need a screenshot or a video of that once you've started a print, preferably before or right around the time when you get the error on screen.
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
does not look right. What I am doing wrong?
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miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
seems like you've connected via ssh before but have since reinstalled RatOS so it's gotten a new fingerprint if you write notepad C:\Users\armin\.ssh\known_hosts notepad should open, delete the line that has vc4.local in it and save it. Then try again.
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
There are 2 lines with vc4.local. Delete both?
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miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
Yep delete both In fact delete everything in that image (word wrapping is on πŸ˜„ )
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
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miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
write yes hit enter
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
I can not type the password πŸ˜„ as if keyboard is not working πŸ˜„
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
that's on purpose so people around you can't see your password just type it in and hit enter
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
jesus, I feel like a hacker now.
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
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miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
Pi closed down. Try ssh [email protected] again
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
okay I am in. What now? Numbers keep changing a bit
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
excellent, then record this while you start a print that causes problems Also obligatory
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
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armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
you should be able to hear the fan sound after the MCU shutdown mmm, looks like that htop screen is locked, I can not scroll that window πŸ˜„ and not even one number or line has changed I am no expert, bet previously at least there were some numbers movement πŸ˜‚ oh wait there was some kind of bug I will upload a new video that will show you something. Even I can see that it's overloading
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
You lost the connection here, that's why the interface isn't updating.
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
one sec
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
here you go
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
Thank you! Swap of death confirmed. We're working on a new post processor that fixes this. Is this IDEX or non-IDEX?
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
non idex hybrid so that means I can not use the printer until this thing is fixed? Well, at least not for the big parts printing?
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
No, it works with smaller files, and we have a workaround coming for non-idex in the meantime. Just a sec. @armearme. Put this into your printer.cfg:
[gcode_macro SDCARD_PRINT_FILE]
rename_existing: SDCARD_PRINT_FILE_BASE
{% if printer["dual_carriage"] is defined %}
{% if printer["ratos"] is defined %}
PROCESS_GCODE_FILE { rawparams }
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
[gcode_macro SDCARD_PRINT_FILE]
rename_existing: SDCARD_PRINT_FILE_BASE
{% if printer["dual_carriage"] is defined %}
{% if printer["ratos"] is defined %}
PROCESS_GCODE_FILE { rawparams }
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
Then try the file again
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
It worked. Print started the same moment I pressed "start print" Before, I had to wait 40 seconds until the shutdown.
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
what is wrong with that tolerances...
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armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
PLA is oozing a little bit at 150 C, how do I lower the nozzle temp on the startup of print?
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
it is all out of whack, it's off by 42.5 microns between each probe.
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
It should not be oozing at 150 (unless the hotend was left too cool under pressure, heat it up and do a small retract, like 2mm and try again).. It could be a rapido 2 thermistor issue though. You can change the preheat temp using the variable_preheat_extruder_temp variable:
RatOS/site/docs/configuration/ at documentation_v2.1 Β· Hel...
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - HelgeKeck/RatOS
Dante Tango
Dante Tangoβ€’5mo ago
When I get home I'll try the config edit to see if that fixes it for me too- mcu issues as them, just without probe issues. rapido 2's have a known thermistor issue? Though for clarification, I'm a normal v3.1 running ROS 2.1
cgrrβ€’5mo ago
Not really, but the wire is fragile and prone to breaking and in some cases people did not have them screwed in all the way
Dante Tango
Dante Tangoβ€’5mo ago
I've replaced mine already but it's erratic at times.
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
there was a bad batch a good while ago. That coupled with an unfortunate amount of metal on those thermistors exposed to external air streams (such as cold air from the hotend heatsink) made it a bit wonky. Most of that should be remedied now.
Dante Tango
Dante Tangoβ€’5mo ago
No dice for me. Still got a timer too close error
Helge Keck
Helge Keckβ€’5mo ago
is this a IDEX printer?
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
Okay I have the first layer done, will see how it goes πŸ˜„
armearme.OPβ€’5mo ago
That's how it goes now. Does this look okay?
Dante Tango
Dante Tangoβ€’5mo ago
No, regular 3.1
miklschmidtβ€’5mo ago
oh yes, it's bored now Then your problem is unrelated, please open a new thread with the following details: 1. Exactly when does the problem occur, is it reproducable and repeatable? 2. Upload a debug-zip downloaded right after the problem has occured.
Dante Tango
Dante Tangoβ€’5mo ago
armearme.OPβ€’2mo ago
Hi! Do I have to delete this code? As I understand you have released an update regarding this issue and I don't need this code in my printer.cfg anymore
abcurrieβ€’2mo ago
None of the links to Helge's github site for RatOS work. I found the references you mentioned here: This change will also need to be made in many of the RatOS macros that send you to his site to learn more when trouble arised
MDFPereiraβ€’2mo ago
it was merged some time ago. They are no longer available. Check here
RatOS/site/docs at v2.1.x Β· Rat-OS/RatOS
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - Rat-OS/RatOS
MDFPereiraβ€’2mo ago
the message you answered to is from 1/11/2024. Files have been merged some 2 months ago and some 3 weeks ago.
miklschmidtβ€’2mo ago
Yep kill it with fire! πŸ™‚
miklschmidtβ€’2mo ago
Much easier looking at it on the actual site: πŸ˜„
MDFPereiraβ€’2mo ago
Yep. But for some it is difficult to find it πŸ˜›
miklschmidtβ€’2mo ago
Well... πŸ˜‚
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armearme.OPβ€’2mo ago
If I delete this code in printer.cfg, I can not start the print. This is an error I get:
armearme.OPβ€’2mo ago
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armearme.OPβ€’2mo ago
Once I have put that code back - no problems.
MDFPereiraβ€’2mo ago
What slicer are you using? You need the line to be able to print with unsupported slicers and slicer versions.
miklschmidtβ€’2mo ago
Are you on the latest version?
bypass_post_processing: True
bypass_post_processing: True
Is the way you opt-out of post processing (not the override).
armearme.OPβ€’2mo ago
Simplify3D on latest version of what? πŸ˜„ All printer files are updated
MDFPereiraβ€’2mo ago
of Simplify3D you need to include the bypass line and the allow unsupported slicers
miklschmidtβ€’2mo ago
latest version of the configurator
armearme.OPβ€’2mo ago
Simplify3D is latest version Configurator and all other files are updated So I have to type this in the Simpplify's start script? Before other lines or after> And now I have installed the smart filament sensor, and printer randomly pauses itself.. Any ideas?
miklschmidtβ€’2mo ago
then the fix for this hasn't been merged yet.. Thought it was, but the dev branch has been blocked from merging for a really long time because of changes to the RatOS beacon procedures. Either way, you just put. bypass_post_processing in your config and it'll never run post processing again. No, printer.cfg yes you haven't configured it properly (you probably inverted the siwtch_pin or wired it differently from how you have it configured), start a new thread for this.
armearme.OPβ€’2mo ago
it helped, thanks.

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