V-Core3.1 with SKRAT & EBB42 wiring

What User Overrides do I need to use this board on the V-Core? Also, I noticed on the online SKRAT wiring (https://os.ratrig.com/docs/boards/btt/skrat-10) it had the blue wire on the right; is this correct? My purchase wiring came opposite with the blue on the left. (I started to re-end x and y, but then decided to ask first) Thank you for your help!
10 Replies
miklschmidt•11mo ago
depends on what the other end looks like. Try it and see if it works, if you get errors thrown at you, change them. As far as skrat + ebb goes, you just need to use [include RatOS/boards/btt-skrat-10/config-3z.cfg] instead of [include RatOS/boards/btt-skrat-10/config.cfg] . If you update the RatOS configuration before installing the v-core 3 template, it should already be there.
absvinylOP•11mo ago
Thank you for that, that helped a lot... One thing I don't understand from the pinout and config for the Toolboard, is what pins do I plug in the adxl345 to? I have the EBB42_1.2
miklschmidt•11mo ago
You don't need to plug an adxl in anywhere there's one integrated in the EBB42 🙂 If you want to use an additional one, you can wire it to the controlboard or alternatively the pi But the one in the EBB42 is all ready to use, just uncomment the input shaper line in the toolboard section in printer.cfg
absvinylOP•10mo ago
I'm having a problem with the Z motors. When I do, STEPPER_BUZZ STEPPER=stepper_z, both the left and rear Z motors move. Then with z1, the right motor moves. The z2, nothing moves.
absvinylOP•10mo ago
I have them from bottom up; x, y, z left, z rear, z right... is z0 supposed to be left, z1 rear, and z2 right?
No description
absvinylOP•10mo ago
No description
absvinylOP•10mo ago
Ok, I found out that when there was no power to the printer or pi, when I manually rotate z0, both z0 and z1 would move. It seems that something on the board is shorting the connections for z0 and z1. Seems on this board, the pins of ZMA and ZMB are wired in parallel. Just a faulty board? Is z0, z1, z2 supposed to be z left, z rear, z right?
blacksmithforlife•10mo ago
yes, when looking at it from the front of the machine
absvinylOP•10mo ago
What about the problem I'm having with ZMA and ZMB being wired in parallel on the board, "I'm having a problem with the Z motors. When I do, STEPPER_BUZZ STEPPER=stepper_z, both the left and rear Z motors move. Then with z1, the right motor moves. The z2, nothing moves.".... and even when everything is unplugged with no power, those two connections will still turn each other when one is manually turned.
miklschmidt•10mo ago
yeah the connectors are wrong, the middle two ports are a parallel connection to the 3rd driver. You need to go x,y,z,empty,z0,z1,z2

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