servo short error while using correct cable ends
Having a z stepper short error. I have the correct plugs installed, not the factory ones. Anyone have any idea what's going on? Just killed my print 4 hours into a 8 hour print π‘

11 Replies
adverse-sapphireOPβ’2y ago
I wish we had a way of explaining what these messages mean in plain english
or at least like a pin diagram or something
it says it in the message
- you have a short in your wiringadverse-sapphireOPβ’2y ago
Where though. My wiring looks good. I've pulled out every pin and checked it.
Not with a multimeter tho. Is that my next step?
Yup the wires are fine. Continuity is good, no shorts across any of the contacts.
At least for the furthest left stepper driver which if I recall correctly is stepper z
adverse-sapphireOPβ’2y ago

adverse-sapphireOPβ’2y ago
Did I pull out and test the wrong one?
you could have a broken wire internal to the sheathing. So the continuity might pass in some places and not in others depending the position of the wire.
adverse-sapphireOPβ’2y ago
Best way to check for that? Should I just open up the heat shrink with a knife and inspect?
and it is for the furthest left one right?
Swapped 2 of the drivers. Is now working, a least longer than it did. I wonder if one of the drivers is bad? If so I guess I'm replacing those...
adverse-sapphireOPβ’2y ago
Since I'm able to get the motors moving now without stalling, I put it in very low speed and shook the wires while moving the z axis (shaking the wires is something we would always do in the air force) and so far no problems.
Oooop. Got it. Bad driver. Z1 which is the stepper I swapped it to is getting extremely hot and threw that same error
Welllllp I guess this project is over lol
@blacksmithforlife πΊπΈ am I going to get in trouble if I use V1.2 driver boards and V1.3 boards on the same printer?
adverse-sapphireOPβ’2y ago
I just found some v1.2s and went with those, don't want to play that game lol