No trigger on x after full movement ?

hi , this first test print for me in V-Minion, i got this message everytime , can anyone help please ,
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8 Replies
like-gold3y ago
please upload your entire printer.cfg here. It complains that there is no trigger on the x-axis. Can you confirm that everything is allright with the endstop as well as the wiring? Are you using eva3? Because if you just upgrade to eva3 toolhead it´s not going to work with the endstop set the same way as before...
like-goldOP3y ago
thanks for your answer , the wiring is ok , but i dont know what is eva3 ,
like-gold3y ago
eva3 is the newest version of the toolhead of your minion. Bevor it was eva2.5. With eva2.5 everthing works fine but with eva3 you can´t plug and play use it because the endstop cant reach the part of the motormount due to a different carrige and no option for the endstop to adjust.
EVA 3 - 3D printer carriage platform
like-gold3y ago
can you please check manually by hand if the x-axis can be traveled all the way until the endstop hits the position or not? When the endstop is pressed you should see a green light. Also a video would be helpful to see whats hapening
like-goldOP3y ago
hi, i didn't organize which one i have but i think it's 2.5 , x axis can traveling easy but not smoothy , and can hit the end (by hand) , the video is immediately after i pressed macro (start print) sorry for the mess and thanks again
like-gold3y ago
so am I getting it right that the x-axis doesn´t move at all when you are pressing the homing button? Also when your x-axis belt was not attached did your linear rail carrige move freely? It is normal that the carrige is heavier to move when the belt with the motor is attached(Back EMK of the motor, friction due to foucault currents ect.) Next question would be is your wiring with the x-axis motor right and the connectors good? Please don´t use those dupont connectors that come with the kit those will never be fixed proprely. Crimp jst connectors on the cabels and than they will be hold in place right.
like-goldOP3y ago
Hi , i did all of this , and still same problem, after this i come back to building of printer , I discovered I forgot to put the pulley need i am so stupid) and after i did it , its work ok , thanks a lot for your help
like-gold3y ago
haha. Most of the time it´s something obvious that was left. Happy printing

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