Can't set Z Offset

Hi all. So whenever I start a print, the printer does its thing. Probes the bed, z-tilt, heats up the bed and nozzle... yada, yada, yada. Then it prints the blob and as it goes to put down the first layer, it says the Z Offset is 0.56 positive. Problem is it is way too high. I have to manually babystep to -0,544. Then, while still printing at the correct height, I run SAVE_Z_OFFSET. Now at this point I have tried 3 different ways. 1 - I run that during the print at the right height, wait for the print to finish, then SAVE_CONFIG and reboot the machine. 2 - I run the SAVE_Z_OFFSET, while the print is still running, I run the SAVE_CONFIG effectively stopping the print, and then reboot. And 3 - I set the offset while printing, let the entire print finish, then do the SAVE_Z_OFFSET followed by the SAVE_CONFIG and then the reboot. Any of these 3 ways, after the reboot, when I start the print and as soon as it starts to print after the blob, it is back to the same 0.56 and again I need to babystep. What am I missing? UPDATE WHILE WRITING THE POST Meanwhile, somewhere along the line I must have done something I can't identify, because now I have to offset about -0,55 for it to reach the bed.
RatOS/site/docs/configuration/ at documentation_v2...
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - HelgeKeck/RatOS
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30 Replies
blacksmithforlife•8mo ago
did you set z offset in your slicer (thus overwriting any of these changes)?
NMGMarquesOP•8mo ago
No. I tried adding it to the start G-Code with mixed results.
TheTik•8mo ago
I think it's only supposed to be set on your printer.cfg, not in the slicer or gcode at all
blacksmithforlife•8mo ago
I tend to set it in my printer.cfg for the most used filament and then adjust it in the slicer for other filaments. For example, I mostly print PLA, but I do some ABS. So in my slicer I override the z offset for my ABS profile
TheTik•8mo ago
That makes sense, I haven't gone past petg yet. Sounds like they're struggling to get a baseline right now
NMGMarquesOP•8mo ago
Yes. I can't seem to figure out why I can't set the Z. It seems whatever I do, it stays at 0,56.
Sjef Romijn
Sjef Romijn•8mo ago
This might be a wild guess but have you set z offset in printer.cfg in the first place? is there a line that mentions it?
NMGMarquesOP•8mo ago
No. There is nothing in the printer.cfg pertaining to z offset. Or at least not anything I can see.
Sjef Romijn
Sjef Romijn•8mo ago
as far as I know, under [probe] it must be provided, once (I'm using a Euclid) so that when you change it via the interface later, it then gets saved under the non editable part (and the initial offset line you put in, then gets hashed out) at the bottom looking at this: it seems you provide: [beacon] (#) cal_nozzle_z: 0.1 (#) Expected nozzle offset after completing manual Z offset calibration. or something like this underneath (#) Beacon probe configuration which is now empty reading on I see this: the ACCEPT part seems important
NMGMarquesOP•8mo ago
Hummmm... I didn't quite get that from the text. I assumed the initial calibration steps would write to the CFG file. In any case, I'll revisit the entire thing. Thanks for pointing that out. Hummm. Does this mean I have to add this to the printer.cfg? [beacon] serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Beacon_Beacon_RevD_<..addyourserial..>-if00 x_offset: -20 # update with offset from nozzle on your machine y_offset: 0 # update with offset from nozzle on your machine mesh_main_direction: x mesh_runs: 2 If so, what are the x and y offset? The distance from the center of the nozzle to the center of the probe? If so, my nozzle seems to be dead center with the probe on X.
blacksmithforlife•8mo ago
ratos 2.0 or 2.1-RC?
NMGMarquesOP•8mo ago
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No description
NMGMarquesOP•8mo ago
RatOS v2.1.0-RC1-275-g1d8e44a5
blacksmithforlife•8mo ago
ok. @Helge Keck how does one adjust the z offset for beacon in ratos 2.1?
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•8mo ago
RatOS/site/docs/configuration/ at documentation_v2...
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - HelgeKeck/RatOS
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•8mo ago
everything decribed here 1. you dont have to configure the beacon at all with RatOS 2.1 and you should NOT follow the beacon documentation at all i HIGHLY recommend to read our beacon doc from start to finish
NMGMarquesOP•8mo ago
Thanks. I was getting really confused. I am at a point where I already baby step almost -0.600. 🥵 @Helge Keck , I am going to start from zero again. Right at the beginning the doc says: Beacon scan compensation if beacon_scan_compensation_enable: True a reference mesh will be created if needed. Does this mean I should activate that portion first, before I start the BEACON_RATOSCALIBRATION?
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•8mo ago
no, first make the calibration you cna later decide if you need/want it or not
NMGMarquesOP•8mo ago
From what I get, that will compensate for gantry twist, right? If so, would you suggest it be on, to compensate for any inaccuracies, or that it probably isn't required in most cases? I don't really care if it'll add time to the start of the print, as long as there is a benefit in print accuracy and quality.
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•8mo ago
make first without it and see i everything works you cna do the other thing later
NMGMarquesOP•8mo ago
No description
NMGMarquesOP•8mo ago
So i guess I should activate it, yeah? And then it restarted klipper. I assume it is now safe to restart the firmware to solve the klipper error?
NMGMarquesOP•8mo ago
No description
NMGMarquesOP•8mo ago
So I added it to the cfg file and restarted. Then I ran the command. It took a load of time probing various points and then threw an error. 3rd time now.
NMGMarquesOP•8mo ago
No description
NMGMarquesOP•8mo ago
@Helge Keck
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•8mo ago
what did you added to the config file?
NMGMarquesOP•8mo ago
variable_beacon_scan_compensation_enable: True # Enables the beacon scan compensation Under [gcode_macro RatOS] And then I ran BEACON_CREATE_SCAN_COMPENSATION_MESH BED_TEMP=85 PROFILE=Contact Without the chamber because I don't have a chamber sensor.
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•8mo ago
it can be normal to get sometimes these values, the scan comepnsation mesh does a lot of z probes it can also be a mechanical issue like a loose rapido screw or z issues in general
NMGMarquesOP•8mo ago
Yeah... I am having a lot of issues today. The piece that holds my cable guide in place snapped off. Now the cables from my molex got pulled and are touching- I think I have it sorted, now. Thanks to all for chipping in!

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