Lubricating the linear rails with 3 in 1 oil

"Lubrication of the carriage is difficult, but not impossible, without removal from the rail. The easiest method to lubricate whilst installed is to use a light oil such as “3-in-1 oil” or sewing machine oil." I was reading this on the RatRig website. I have some 3 in 1 oil with no adatives. I was wondering if I can use a syringe I have and put this into the little ports that are on either side of the cariages as oposed to onto the rails. I seems to me it will be less messy. I really do not want to mess this up! Would I be better of forcing in some kind of grease instead like the stuff I use on the Prusa rods? There seems to be 500 different opinions on this topic after searching. The injection of the 3 in 1 every now and again seems to make sense to me but these are also my first linear rails as well. Any advice appreciated. Will remove this to avoid clutter if its the wrong place. Its not really fix my printer but I wanted there to be a thread to it rather than the answers get lost in the chat. Appreciate anyone who takes the time to read this!
7 Replies
vhaude3y ago
Hi! As long as your oil/grease doesnt contain any additives you should be able to use it. I always use ep00 and a syringe to press it into the holes in the carriages that are for greasing. Works great. Make sure to degrease it with some IPA first to remove the lubricant that is there from transport (against corrosion). You should keep in mind that your oil allegedly is of pretty low viscosity and will therefore drip when to much is applied overhead. Greetings, Vince
adverse-sapphireOP3y ago
Thank you! Appreciated! Thats awesome, I am wondering now if I can use these ball screws on my KillerBee
ptegler3y ago
I use the G03 grease Hiwin sells to go with their rails. I squeeze the tube into a needle, insert the plunger and use a section of tiny 1/8" silicon tube the length of the nozzle to seal around the needle tip while injecting into the hole in the side of the carriage. Works great.
adverse-sapphireOP3y ago
Presumably if I was to go from the light oil to this I would need to remove and clean them first?
ptegler3y ago
nope The light oil is still a good idea to wipe down the entire rail, if nothing else to minimize rust. Yes.... most are just plain steel and WILL/can rust. Granted, way too heavy for these little printers, but my big honking CNC router table and Mill get wiped down with chainsaw oil, as it won't drip off. NO DO NOT do that to a 3D printer 🙂
adverse-sapphireOP3y ago
Appreciated! Thanks

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