Vcore 4 Bad first layer
I dont know why but this is what my first layer looks (ABS). When I'm doing smaller print it goes fine as soon i go for a big one it start doing ribbons and having that ugly look

27 Replies
You can see that on the outer diameter it start fine but when it start getting toward the center it goes to hell
As if the longer it print the harder it's getting for the extruder ?
double check your hotend fan is running 100%
ratos reporting at 100%
Look how good the start is
@TheTik I think that was some feed issue in the ptfe tube
Are you able to unload the filament fine? No heat creep?
Not that im aware of im also gonna undo some zip ties that link the ptfe to the cables to the head
Yup I think it was those zip ties
@TheTik it's not 100% resolved I think the path of the filament and ptfe in general are causing problems
If you do an object in different corners, one at a time, do they come out the same?
Will test eventually but look at the difference when I loosened the ptfe clamp

Weird that that helped an "over time" issue but that definitely looks improved
Well at least my flow test are gonna be more accurate now 😂
Filament drag is a problem on these big printers. I had to zip my tube to the cables but only 2 zips within 1 foot of the toolhead. the middle of my ptfe tubing wwas sagging when the toolhead moved to the rear of the bed for printing causing missed extrusion.
Tomorrow imma try printing ABS with the spool on a broom stick from the top of the machine
I have a file if you'd like that allows you to hold a drybox on the top of the printer
Ratrig v500 Drybox Holster - 3D model by wiremeup on Thangs
A drybox holder designed to mount to the Ratrig vcore3.1 500mm machine. May work on other sizes but I don't know. In the zip file will be 2 styles, one that cor
Bold of you to assume I have one :kekw:
Pfft. I have like 3 different kinds, I'm never happy. I assume yes that others are as neurotic as I am lol
You could make it though and simply put the spool in it with a small pipe through the middle and some straps to hold it in place
But before putting any effort in imma try the ultra lazy way 😎
I think it was a mix of flow ratio and z offset 😅
Glad to hear it man hopefully yours is all good now
Still not 100% resolved but im getting there !
Congrats man