Help - Stepper Issues
Finally got around to building my V-Core 3 with Oldham Z system from BRS.
Crazy long build but I believe all square and I think I did IMO, a very good job on wiring.
Setup is BTT Octopus 1.1 407 version with 2209 steppers.
U2C Can board with EBB42 - this took time but all working great now.
Fans, heaters, extruder all great and checked. Physical X and Y end stops checked and working.
My XY steppers act like when I try to move X or Y - one of the motors is locked. It will only move a tiny amount.
If I try to home I get Klipper shutdown and error 2.
If I try to move Z - only the front left motor moves.
I can't do a full home because XY causes a shutdown.
I checked all the PIN settings, aliases, went to the most Basic stepper setup. I have tried the wires both ways (other thread.)
I checked my jumpers. I check the belts. Motors run free and everything is smooth when it's shut off. Checked all the connections, continuity... can't find anything mechanically or electrically wrong.
I am at a loss. It seems to me like the printer doesn't know it's a CoreXY (even double checked this in the RatOS config file, and put it in printer.cfg for good measure.) The one Z motor that moves seems to move properly.
Attached pics, video of the weird stepper motion (like it moves and then jams) and printer.cfg.
13 Replies
What drivers are those? They look different than normal
like-goldOP•3y ago
They are 2209's - I believe they came with my Fystec Spyder 2 board... which was my original plan but RR supports only the older version.
Umm, you also commented out the stepper drivers stuff...
UNCOOLED TMC 2209 + LDO-42STH48-2504AC#[include config/printers/v-core-3/speed-limits-basic.cfg] #[include config/printers/v-core-3/tmc2209.cfg] #[include config/steppers/ldo/42sth48-2504ac/2209/24v-1.1a-.cfg] >
COOLED TMC 2209 + LDO-42STH48-2504ACThis increases motor torque, positional accuracy and speed limits. don't enable this before your printer is fully configured and you have a fan blowing on your stepper drivers. #[include config/printers/v-core-3/speed-limits-performance.cfg] #[include config/printers/v-core-3/tmc2209-performance.cfg] #[include config/steppers/ldo/42sth48-2504ac/2209/24v-1.6a-.cfg]
like-goldOP•3y ago
I tried with and without.
You need to have one of those sections uncommented
I would start with the uncooled versions
like-goldOP•3y ago
Uncommented it crashed right away when I tried to move more than 1mm with a Klipper shutdown and Error 2.
Which when I looked up is related to a shorted or stalled motor.
But I will try again with uncooled.
I will check those Drivers too - make sure the pins are the same as BTT, didn't think of that... maybe they were different for the Spyder.
Yeah ditch those Spyder ones. I recall another person having issues with them in the octopus
like-goldOP•3y ago
Switched out for BTT 1.2 2209's. Uncommented uncooled stepper tune. Any attempt at movement on any motor results in a klipper shutdown (see pics.)
like-goldOP•3y ago
Will make a cable that bypasses the lever nuts I installed just in case those are the issue even though with a meter they all test fine and are working fine on all other connections...
Any other suggestions? These drivers had the pins cut for installation in SKR2 board I borrowed them from...
Might have to set the jumper for sensorless homing then. Octopus doesn't require any pins cut because it does it via jumpers so it might require them all be present
continuing-cyan•3y ago
It reporting a short - are we sure the wiring is actually right?
Rather than trying movements, I'd say isolate and test each motor via the stepper buzz command. Looks like you are using dupont connectors to connect to the mcu which I personally found to be pretty finicky in terms of maintaining good connectivity... Make sure you have a good connection at both ends, then test, repeat, etc... Likely a wiring issue... If not, go back to the beginning and confirm correct firmware, printer.cfg, hook up only the necessary connections (thermistors & one motor), then test that motor, etc
like-goldOP•3y ago
Thanks, yes, 1-by-1 I am doing this. It's is not a fast process... I have found a couple of bad connectors (dupont for sure), issues with one lever nut, 1 bad crimp etc. I went back to the Spider board with the 2209's I have and it seems to be working fine. But so far I have only had time to get the X motor re-wired and tested. Y motor keeps reporting under-volt now. I think the best course is to make direct wire connections and crimp all my own connectors so I know they are good... when I first set it up the Y motor seemed intermittent with Buzz... so possible the board in that motor is bad or more likely the connector.
Well for sure a wiring issue. I got a new motor (non LDO, iMetrx) and installed the new drivers in the BTT board. Just so I could test the motor easily in each driver using a direct cable. Stepper Buzz works on every on all the new drivers using the supplied cable and the iMetrx stepper. All the LDO steppers fail. The wiring supplied by RR with the LDO's is different than than the wiring supplied with the iMetrx. So I think next step is to examine the pin outs on LDO vs. iMetrx. I assume that has to be it vs. getting 5 bad LDO steppers.
Looking at the coil wiring diagram for the new motor it should not be working they way the connector is wired... sigh... I'm totally lost now.
Solved... I don't know if I got bad motors or the drivers from the Spyder board caused them to burn out but I replaced the motors with steppers online and its all working... now to tuning.