Retraction settings 0.6 nozzle cant seem to get it right
ive tuned pressure advance and now im struggling with retraction settings. when i used 0.4 nozzle it was fine. but 0.6 just has stringing. Im only using 1 5015 blower fan as part cooling maybe this also makes it string more
51 Replies
adverse-sapphire•16mo ago
I have the same issue. I have seen that firmware retraction was set to 0.5mm in the config file, but changing it still doesn't help. I have tried setting retraction distance, enabled/disabled firmware retraction in orcaslicer, turned on / off relative extrusion in both config file and slicer, also tried changing retraction speed.
I have orbiter + rapido high flow. Tried different filaments (also brand new) and nozzles.
Also tried slicing in superslicer instead.
adverse-sapphire•16mo ago

adverse-sapphire•16mo ago
adverse-sapphire•16mo ago

adverse-sapphire•16mo ago

adverse-sapphire•16mo ago

adverse-sapphire•16mo ago

adverse-sapphire•16mo ago
Retraction distance set to 0.8mm:

adverse-sapphire•16mo ago
Retraction distance set to 1.5mm:

adverse-sapphire•16mo ago
Retraction tower: 0-5mm

adverse-sapphire•16mo ago
All at 30mm/s speed for retraction and de-retract
I use 0.6 UHF most of the time. 0.4 mm with z-hop disabled has the best results. De-and retraction speeds 80mm/s per orbiter reccomndation but it didn't seem to matter much.
Acceleration settings are critical for stringing. The faster you can move the printhead the less time for plastic to ooze. I have 9k travel, 3k for top layer and external perimeter and 7k for everything else.
And the favourite: have you dried your filament? 🙂
multiple-amethyst•16mo ago
im having the same issues... driving me NUTS
adverse-sapphire•16mo ago
@ferfi4004 Are you able to share your profile so I can compare parameters? And yes, I have both tried dried filament, new filament etc. No change. Tested the filament on a voron and it prints just fine.
adverse-sapphire•16mo ago
Retraction tower 0-5mm with 60mm/s speed for retract and de-retract

is that PET-G?
DM me 3mf file, I'll try to print it if I get my printer to work today.
adverse-sapphire•16mo ago
It's esun PLA+
Alright, I can slice and print a bency and we'll compare
No, send me 3mf file of the retraction tower. Maybe I'll get the same results...
But I think mine should do a lot better
adverse-sapphire•16mo ago
Did you try without hop?
adverse-sapphire•16mo ago
Yes, it unfortunately didn't help.
Setting retract - deretract speed to 120mm/s helped a bit
Try removing wipe. Maybe set it back to 0.5, turn off wipe, and try another tower between 0-3mm
adverse-sapphire•16mo ago
This is with Wipe set to 0.5, turned off and 0-3mm retract

I'd definitely stay in the .3-.6mm retraction range. From what I can see, the surface looks overextruded. From your config file, it looks like you don't have PA on. I'd recommend measuring your extruder rotation distance (extruder calibration) (5 minutes) then tuning pressure advance, then tuning your extrusion multiplier.
The good news is, these are the few steps you'll want to get good at, because they are the difference between good prints and buttery smooth prints.
Send me config files, pictures of your retraction test from multiple angles.
Send me config files, pictures of your retraction test from multiple angles.
Let's get these done :)
multiple-amethyst•16mo ago
I switched to PrusaSlicer and my issue resolved itself. Really odd. The only thing i can think of is i disabled wipe.
Pretty common to see that. Were you using Cura?
multiple-amethyst•16mo ago
This is retractions 0-1mm. Superslicer tower but it should be basically the same as your model. TBH I never really saw this kind of test to be relevant. I tried printing with no retractions for some time and it is fine but unreliable. I sometimes got stringing so I use 0,4 mm atm
I tried printing one with and one without "external periemters first" - saw no noticeable difference. Interesting bit - 0 to approx 0,2 mm have an impact on seam. It looks smaller.

Retraction towers are going to be much less useful when the issue isn't retraction. But that sort of tells you something by itself.
@monsoono Hey im the op thanks for all the tips. I complely changed the way i went about and now changed my acceleration to the same as yours they where way lower then yours. I also upped the klipper acceleration limits because I think those still prevent the printer from going so fast. I am now printing a test print and ill see if i still hav estringin
my retractions are 0.5 and i turned zhop off
I now have this. Result

its alot better its more a whispy string
like dust
Not amazing. Send your klipper config.
can find anything ?
Your pressure advance value looks pretty low. What material is the .6 nozzle?
just normal stanard material
Yeah ill do another pressure advance test
If it is hardened steel or similar it can cause stringing
they are just the normal amazon 0.6 mm nozzles
coudl be that they just suck
but i mean the stringing is managable now

The other thing would be to try a different slicer
Yeah im doin pa now. best line is between 0.02 and 0.03
so i think you where def on to something
by saying 0.01 is to low
Make sure wipe settings are off
wipe is off
pa is 0.021
im going to do another stringing test
see if it helped
so far thanks alot for your help
Yeah, hopefully that gets it a bit closer. Some filaments are stringier than others.
still some fussy strining
I mean its better then it was
What temperature are you printing at?