Gday guys,
I just received some BTT TMC5160T. I have never set them up before. I am reading they only work on SPI and not on UART like the tmc2209.
I have bought a Vcore 3 500 combo from RR.
Here's what I came up with x for instance:
[tmc5160 stepper_x]
stealthchop_threshold: 1
run_current: 1.6
[tmc5160 stepper_x]
cs_pin: x_uart_pin
spi_software_mosi_pin: stepper_spi_mosi_pin
spi_software_miso_pin: stepper_spi_miso_pin
spi_software_sclk_pin: stepper_spi_sclk_pin
run_current: 1.6
driver_TBL: 2
driver_TOFF: 3
driver_HEND: 0
driver_HSTRT: 6
I don't have any issue with the x,y,z1,z2,z3 but I can't find any configuration for the extruder in the RATOS config.
Do I need to change physically the jumper from UART to SPI on the octopus board?
Thank you

Solution:Jump to solution
All of the 5160s have to have all of the jumpers while your 2209s for z or extruder have only the single jumper
8 Replies
All of the 5160s have to have all of the jumpers while your 2209s for z or extruder have only the single jumper
Hello @chicken, are you saying the 3x Z's and the extruder can work on UART and the x and y work on SPI?
Yes if the Zs and extruder are using 2209s. That is typical what most people do. There is no advantage of running 5160s on those. I think there are even some disadvantages but don’t know off the top of my head. My VC3 and VC4 are configured with both sets of drivers like that.
I have 6x 5160T so I may as well use all of them
Oh right, so, only x and y on SPI (5160) and the rest can stay on 2209
Thank you, I am going to test that now !
Yah leave the z and extruder on 2209: good luck
Everything works that way ! THanks @chicken - Now onto calibration ! Cheers mate
your welcome!
what printer are you building?
the build is a Vcore 3 500 package from RR