Problem with config my hotend with EBB 42
I have a problem with my hotend cooling, i have a EBB 42 v1.2 my hotend fan 24v. i connected to PA01, when i heat up the hotend the fan will not start. but if I use the slider bar it will start # Hotend cooling fan
[heater_fan toolhead_cooling_fan]
heater: extruder
2-pin fan connected to 2-pin header on Octopus Pro 446 - input voltage pwm
pin: toolboard_t0:PA1
11 Replies
upload your ratos.cfg and printer.cfg please
why are you (in your printer.cfg) doing
when this is already defined in your ratos.cfg
do i need to take it out in my config
you should, it isn't doing anything and will just make it more confusing
but if you hotend fan isn't coming on I would look at the wiring and such, the config looks ok to me
if i use the slicer bar in mainsail it works
and make sure you have it wired according to
that should be controlling the part cooling fan, not hotend fan
if i look to ebb-42 wiring it is on PA2. if i look in RatOS.cfg it is fan_toolhead_cooling_pin=PA1,

i have found it, in started the Wizard i change the setting for the fans. thanks
I seem to have exactly the same problem. Can you tell me what exactly you changed to make it work?