Issue with ABS printing

Hello. Some trouble with ABS printing at Ratrig V-Core 3.1 (RRF3 firmware, Duet3 Mini 5+, PrusaSlicer 2.8.0). Terrible at initial layers (at photo model rotate). Use 110 temperature bed and 245 hotend with enclosure and cooling 40%.
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4 Replies
chicken•9mo ago
What does a temperature tower look like and have you done flow calibration with that filament
Ferfi•9mo ago
this is probably started by the edges of the printed piece raising up and so the printed layer does not have enough space to extrude perimeter in correct space. Easiest way to correct this is to use brim and or to increase nozzle offset to "squish" the first layer increasing adhesion. Other possible corrections if that will not be enough: slow down the overhang speed, increase bed temp and chamber temp, increase bed adhesion by different printing surface or by using dymafix.
DizzySkizzo•9mo ago
it look like that it warps ... try brim 🙂
Yathani•9mo ago
Reduce the bed temp to around 90c and turn your fan up a little higher until you find the sweet spot. The print look worst closer to the bed because it can't cool the layers as good

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