horizontal_move_z can't be less than probe's z_offset
I am not sure where to fix this....I don't see a macro for this. I think this is for bed mesh but not sure
19 Replies
dependent-tanOP•3y ago
Sorry this didn't help. I can't find a bed mesh section
You don't need to "find it", just put that in your user override section. You can read https://os.ratrig.com/docs/configuration/includes-and-overrides to find out why that works
Includes & Overrides | RatOS
RatOS uses a modular configuration that heavily takes advantage of the config file include and merge logic in Klipper. For this reason, the order of includes and overrides are very important, do not change the order of the configuration unless you know what you're doing.
dependent-tanOP•3y ago
Yes but I don't know what to add
And for the error I am not sure where to change the offset
I would also like to change where the bed mesh starts......right now it knocks the klicky probe off
horizontal_move_z: somenumberlargerthanyourzoffset
dependent-tanOP•3y ago
Got is thx. I am surprised that bed mesh isn't there already
Why? Everything is in include files. Including [bed_mesh].
The definition differs depending on what size machine you have, therefore it's defined in the size includes (on v-core 3).
dependent-tanOP•3y ago
I could not find bed mesh anywhere, I have to add it myself.
You don't need to find it anywhere or add it yourself. Read the documentation on overrides. You just enter the section along with the parameters you want to change in your user overrides section. In your case:
For example.
Here's the original implementation for a 400 mm v-core 3 (i don't know the size of your printer): https://github.com/Rat-OS/RatOS-configuration/blob/v2.x/printers/v-core-3/400.cfg
RatOS-configuration/400.cfg at v2.x · Rat-OS/RatOS-configuration
The RatOS modular klipper configuration. Contribute to Rat-OS/RatOS-configuration development by creating an account on GitHub.
It's a bit worrying if the default klicky implementation takes that much print space off your build. It should not be that far into the build plate. Euclid works with the standard bed mesh configuration.
dependent-tanOP•3y ago
Thanks , I have a 300 and the klicky is 32mm from the nozzle in x and 12 in y, maybe there's a different mount?
horizontal_move_z is about the z_offset, not X/Y.
To set the probe offset, do:
x_offset: 32
y_offset: 12
dependent-tanOP•3y ago
Where mine is would this be positive or neg ?
dependent-tanOP•3y ago

negative, both x and y
Think of it like this: if you had to travel to the probes position with the nozzle, would you move towards min or towards max. That's your answer to whether it's negative or positive 🙂
dependent-tanOP•3y ago
Thanks....I will adjust after this 20 hour print lol. I am really liking this RR. 2nd print....20 hours...and looks great

dependent-tanOP•3y ago