Solved: Bed temp set to 0c but increasing temp

Hi, Can someone help me with this problem? I have the temp set to 0c but my bed temp keeps increasing. It lowers 0.1-0.5 c after that increasing 1-1.5c. Replaced the ssr and is doing the same. New printer, ssr wired as below . I have added a clip with the temp
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12 Replies
deep-jadeOP2y ago
only that I don't have a switch , I keep the printer plugged and turn it on from the socket switch the socket is grounded... tried another thermistor (pt1000) and held it against the silicone bed, is doing the same any ideas? ipdate , the bed is really stable at 100c
exotic-emerald2y ago
SSR isn't wired correctly. check for voltage from the skr board to ssr. if you invert + /- wires it will stay on.
deep-jadeOP2y ago
I checked, it is connected ok
exotic-emerald2y ago
If you disconnect both wires from skr does it still stay on? A lot of times when an ssr fails it stays on all the time. Was it part of a kit or self sourced? If self sourced make sure you have the correct version. Ther are dc to dc, AC to AC, and DC to AC
deep-jadeOP2y ago
I have the original ssr from rr and an aftermarket one. I tried to disconnect the ac wires from the ssr, I finish a print soon and will try do disconnect the dc wires
exotic-emerald2y ago
standard disclaimer: ok I would advise against removing live AC wires as this can be very dangerous and cause shocks, fires or worse. you have at least 2 variables at play here. the SSR and the board. I suggest testing with a multimeter. on the board side. with the bed off do you get voltage reading from the dc wires going to the ssr? this should be a no. when you tell the bed heat do you get voltage? yes? again confirm polarity when you have voltage on this line with black to - and red to+ of the meter is it a positive or neg voltage?
deep-jadeOP2y ago
🙏 Thanks a lot for all the help! I have done it but I will do it again in the order you said as maybe I have missed something. Yes, I took precautions but stil dumb thing to do, yet it is a bit frustrating
exotic-emerald2y ago
from previous experience I would say the issue is 1) the dc wires are flipped or 2) ssr failed or is not a dc to ac ssr 3) there is a major wiring mistake somewhere that's making the ssr irrelevant
deep-jadeOP2y ago
now that you mention that and I can see you are experienced. Can you check in the image I posted if the wires from the iec to the power supply are wired as they should? Found the problem🤦‍♂️ac N and L were swapped now is perfect . Img with before and after behaviour
deep-jadeOP2y ago
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deep-jadeOP2y ago
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exotic-emerald2y ago
Nice find!.

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