Internal error on command:"Z_TILT_ADJUST_ORIG"
The last week i am using the beacon probe and works perfect, today i just start a print and the printer works like crazy, the probing start from wrong points and almost crash the printhead several times. Then start the Internal error on command:"START_PRINT" without changing something , after that i try to homing without printing in progress and works BUT when i start the Z-Tilt measure the first two point and when the printhead moves to the 3 and last point it measures and then hit the errors "Internal error on command:"Z_TILT_ADJUST_ORIG" , "Internal error on command:"Z_TILT_ADJUST", "Internal error on command:"_START_PRINT_AFTER_HEATING_BED" & Internal error on command:"START_PRINT".
Can you help me ?
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