A/B steppers skipping.
I ran my configurator with LDO-42STH48-2504AC and TMC5160T Pro V1.1.
Im running the...
TMC5160T Pro V1.0
and the LDO 42STH48-2804AH steppers.
Current 1.5
I can home just fine and the first layer seems to be doing ok but as soon as the speed ramps up the steppers skip right off the bat.
Any ideas as to how I can fix this?
16 Replies
The 2804 don't have as much torque in the slower speeds. What do you have the acceleration set to?
RatOS is new to me, which config has the accels?
Your slicer

which seem low for the motors and stepper drivers
And you have performance mode enabled?
I'm on my phone so I can't check your debug zip
Have not done performance yet. still trying to get the machine working for the first time
Yeah, turn it on - you are under currenting the steppers
Having it off is just for doing the setup to make sure if you crash you don't do as much damage
Roger that!
This is also exasperated by the 2804s which have lower torque in those speeds. Lower torque, plus lower torque from under currenting, means they skip steps
is there another motor I should pick?
The 2504 have the best torque curves so far, which is why the kits come with them
We tested the 2804s but they performed worse because of that lower torque in the slower speeds. You would have to really be printing where you can use the higher torque in the faster speeds (like long straight lines) for them to make sense
Right on. I was hoping to not have to re-rout wires and buy new steppers but I am trying to make this machine fast and reliable until I build a VC4 IDEX
Try performance mode first and then if you're still having issues try slowing down the travel speed
this worked. Thank you