Communication timeout during homing
So getting this awful annoying fault quite regular atm.
Faults on probing Z with Beacon. Happens 1 in every 2 Z probes. Supper annoying. The beacon seems to be working fine I can get it to z tilt and mesh but then the next job there is 50/50 itl throw this .
Changed to running direct 5v to the Pi with the 4 gpio pins, 15a available.
Tried unplugging the nozzle cam and got no difference.
Happens on both my printers with beacon, not sure what to do next. Any help appreciated

12 Replies
Started having this issue as well. Swapped new cable and new beacon, still having the same issue.
Has been happening on both my printers since I swapped to Beacon,
It was working fine for the past few months, the issue started few days ago.
Also having this issue....
Any fix know?
Anyone know where to adjust the time after which an error is given?
Pretty sure that isn't adjustable and is in the klipper source code
Gasoline it is then..
I fixed it by getting rid of my nozzle cam. seems like a Pi3 isnt powerful enough for both Beacon and a Camera.
either or works fine on its own
where can i find the TRSYNC_TIMEOUT in ratos?
Allow changing TRSYNC_TIMEOUT in printer.cfg or permanently change ...
In Update to reduce Can Bus false timeouts by tinymachines3d · Pull Request #5816 · Klipper3d/klipper · GitHub @koconnor states In general, I’d like to see an analysis of the root cause of the problem, before changing the code; otherwise “fixing symptoms” often results in unanticipated regressions. I think this issue has been discusse...
I found this but i could not find any of the same functions.
if it put it in the config file like this:
its not acepted
it is changing it in the actual klipper code - nothing to do with ratos
ahh okay thanks