how to change probe offset on v minion

sorry probably newbie stupidity but only ever run marlin on a modded ender 3. i have built i believe a stock vminion, when it gets to the front of the bed at the end of bed meshing the induction probe ends up hanging over the front of the bed and doesnt trigger leading to the nozzle crashing into the bed and a failure . i cant find the probe offset field in config file to review/change unless its something else.this is when starting a print from cura generated g code using their vminion profile.
3 Replies
TheTik2mo ago
If you just run a bed mesh from ratos, not involving the slicer, does it work correctly? Also, post your printer.cfg if you're on RatOS 2.02, or your if you're on 2.1
kakapo2mo ago
ratos links to a lot of templates, thats why you cannot find it in the .cfg file. at the bottom of the printer.cfg you can do overwrites. if your xy offset is differnt than stock add somthing like: [probe] x_offset: -26 y_offset: -8 to calibrate z offset heat your bed to the most used temp and heat the nozzle to 150~. then wait for a couple of minutes and run PROBE_CALIBRATE dont forget to SAVE_CONFIG afterwards otherwise the value wont get saved
jham3344OP2mo ago
thanks for the responses but i figured it out was just a noob error i had reversed the stepper direction of y because of the jog controls,not realising they are really for a fixed bed just put the ! back on the y and its fine now,thanks again for trying to help tho.

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