weird belt tension graph

Hi, I have 2 opposite peaks, and I don't know what to do about it. at first I had the graph labeled 000 then I fiddle with it, make it worse, tried to get back to the original and now I have the second graph, prefixed with now my x gantry was slighly skewed, which I solved before doingt those measurment with the belt tensionner. also I applied too much torque (9.8 Nm instead of 0.98 Nm) on the Y rails, stripped all the screw and they cannot be removed (it was my first time using a torque wrench, I tough the screw sripping was the wrench telling me 'that's enought') Ratrig guide say that it can cause bending on the rail, other user have said that it could bend the aluminium profile. however visually they look ok and the gantry slides without issues, I havend noticed anything weird in the bed scan either. what do you think about all of this? Thanks. tags : @chicken
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11 Replies
chicken5mo ago
The tight rail I don’t think would show up in belt or shaper graphs. If anything, it could cause issues later with height maps. I would not worry about that for the timing being as it may not be an issue. First up, are you using beacon or the toolboard for resonance testing? If beacon change or over to the toolboard in the configurator and retest. Beacon as per the RatOS dev team is not mounted in a good spot to do resonance testing and you will get weird graphs. Also what size vc4 is it? I don’t remember
SoftRockOP5mo ago
400x400, I don't know what he uses for the graphs, tried too look up in the cfg file but didn't find it. I just clic the measure corexy belt tension on the interface
chicken5mo ago
Go into the configurator and then click setup wizard and then click hardware selection on the right side. Scroll down to accelerometer selections
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SoftRockOP5mo ago
allright, had to put a jumper on the toolboard that I had forgotten after doing that because it would not boot. so with the toolboard accelerometer I'm getting the same thing
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chicken5mo ago
thats strange that there is such a big difference in the y spike (first one) on one belt. If you move the gantry around in circles do you feel any difference in some of the movements. As you transition directions of the belts it will feel a little different but no way should feel harder than others
SoftRockOP5mo ago
no no resistance or change or resistance, moves good. by the way, when we do the measurement, are we suppose to see the toolhead vibrate? because I don't see anything, I just hear the motor go BRRRRRRRRR form low frequency to high frequency.
chicken5mo ago
at low frequency you may see it move but it quickly gets to a point where you wont see it
SoftRockOP5mo ago
well fuck it I'm tearing it down changing the rails and rebuilding it all xD see you in one month
chicken5mo ago
nah dont do that.... here try these things first before you go to far.... try loosening the 6 screws that attach the 6 plates to the 2020 x rail. 3 on each side, 1 up top and two on the bottom. Once that 6 are loose, move the gantry and forth like 10 times. From there tighten them back and up repeat your test. If that does not work then a similar test is to loosen the 8 screws (4 each side) that hold the gantry jointer plates to the y carriages. Do the same thing, move back and forth 10 times and then tighten up and see how it looks. Final one is to use one y rail to align the other but hold off on that for now. both those other ones may cause your gantry to get out of square. I typically keep it pushed against the back bearing blocks to tighten it up if its way out of skew on either test while it is loose maybe the belts are not even tension. You could also try loosening the belt a little to get it square before you tighten it back up. If neither of those work let me know and I'll walk you through aligning the y rails. I had to do that on mine to get it close to perfect
SoftRockOP5mo ago
allright, will try, thanks
chicken5mo ago
please hold off before you tear it down 🙂 We will get you figured out any luck?

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