Input Shaper values resets randomly

Input shaper values I put in Ratos.cfg randomly resets to 0. Have I done anything wrong, or what can I do to fix? Vcore4 300, RatOS v2.1.0-RC 2.
9 Replies
miklschmidt•3mo ago
Have I done anything wrong, or what can I do to fix?
Yes you put it in RatOS.cfg, read the first line of that file. All changes/addition go in printer.cfg.
Zzw11OP•3mo ago
Somehow I missed that 🫣 However, when I follow the Klipper guide, it only inputs one frequency for ech axis:
[input_shaper] shaper_freq_x: ... # frequency for the X mark of the test model shaper_freq_y: ... # frequency for the Y mark of the test model
And if I try to write it like it is in RatOS.cfg, something like this:
[input_shaper] variable_shaper_x_freq: [62.8, 64.8, 63.7, 64.0] # shaper frequency [T0, T1, COPY, MIRROR] variable_shaper_y_freq: [61.8, 63.8, 62.4, 62.7] # shaper frequency [T0, T1, COPY, MIRROR] variable_shaper_x_type: ["mzv", "mzv", "mzv", "mzv"] # shaper frequency algorythm [T0, T1, COPY, MIRROR] variable_shaper_y_type: ["mzv", "mzv", "zv", "zv"] # shaper frequency algorythm [T0, T1, COPY, MIRROR]
I get error message. Is it enough to paste without [input_shaper] first? that gives no error message.
rubino25•3mo ago
Follow Do we have to put the values in to a ratos variable? Solved. Not the most easy thing to understand..
Zzw11OP•3mo ago
What was your solution? I just copied the lines from ratos.cfg
rubino25•3mo ago
You have to do input shaping for every axis (x and y) in every 4 condizioni. T0, T1, Idex mode and mirror mode. It's "easy" now but not clear during commissioning
Zzw11OP•3mo ago
Well, yes, done that. But where did you put in the values, and how did you write it?
rubino25•3mo ago
Copy the standard values from ratos.cfg, past in printer.cfg and adjust values with yours
MDFPereira•3mo ago
Nothing is saved on Ratos.cfg apart from the info created by the configurator. IS info is always stored in printer.cfg
rubino25•3mo ago
Well.. yep. You only have the "standard" values in ratos.cfg

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