EBB36 ADC out of Range
Hello guys,
i have just wired up my RR500 and wanted to setup RatOS but now the readout says ADC out of Range. I use a PT1000 Thermistor and i have 1085Ohms which is about room temp. The thermistor works fine. I tried a 2nd EBB36 Board and still the same issue. It is setup as MAX31865 in the cfg because my Hotend is not listed i had to write it in myself. I post the params here.
What i tried so far:
-Plug the PT1000 to the 2nd spot with a 4,7k resistor (ADC ....)
-Check the Thermistor wires itself
-Measure Resistance of the PT1000 which came out at 1,085k Ohms which is the right value for my room temp
-Power from the PSU is 24,2V coming to the Toolboard
-2nd EBB36 plugged in and still (ADC ...)
now i am running out of ideas.
I am using a Goliath Hotend
step_pin: EBBCan: PD0
dir_pin: !EBBCan: PD1
enable_pin: !EBBCan: PD2
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 33.500
nozzle_diameter: 0.400
filament_diameter: 1.750
heater_pin: EBBCan: PB13
sensor_type: MAX31865
sensor_pin: EBBCan: PA4
spi_bus: spi1
spi_speed: 4000000
rtd_nominal_r: 100
rtd_reference_r: 430
rtd_num_of_wires: 2
rtd_use_50Hz_filter: True
control: watermark
#pid_Kp: 21.527
#pid_Ki: 1.063
#pid_Kd: 108.982
min_temp: 0
min_extrude_temp: 180
max_temp: 300
Thank you for your help guys, i really appreciate it.
Can be closed or deletet whatever...problem was the coordination between hands and eyes...stupid me.
3 Replies
Multiple things here:
1) You're using CAN, you're on your own here. RatOS support expects USB. You can use #klipper for your troubleshooting.
2) Do not use the MAX31685, wire the PT1000 directly to the thermistor input on the EBB and use
sensor_type: PT1000
Since you've configured it as a MAX31685, that "ADC out of range" error is probably not from your toolboard mcu.optimistic-goldOP•2y ago
Hello @miklschmidt,
thanks for the reply.
1) i understand
2) why directly on the board? In the manual it says that the PT1k port got a 4,7k resistor which is creating inaccuracy over the span of temperature rising.
3) i just found the problem. It was the Octopus board where my eyes were not capable of coordinate my fatfingers to the right port...
2) why directly on the board? In the manual it says that the PT1k port got a 4,7k resistor which is creating inaccuracy over the span of temperature rising.The inaccuracy amounts to 1-2 degrees at max, it doesn't actually matter, you tune your temperature anyway and it's constant. People have all sorts of issues with MAX31685 and PT1000 support where the results are infinitely worse and unreliable. YMMV.