Heating start directly with start of printer

Hi guys, after i solved the issue with the jumpers with your help. I got now the second problem. First time started the printer and it begin directly to heat up the noozle and the bed (ssr red light is on) Also after connecting to the pi it is not stopping with heating. I attached a screenshot of the temperatures and my log. I dont understand why the printer starts the heating up. Found out that it could be a problem with the thermistors but both are showing and changing the values. Hope you guys can help me out again.
12 Replies
rival-blackOP2y ago
I found out that i need to deactivate the following command to connect the mcu.
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rival-blackOP2y ago
If not set on False i am not able to connect
That is a red herring (meaning it has nothing to do with your issue). How have you wired up your SSR?
rival-blackOP2y ago
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rival-blackOP2y ago
Both heater (bed and extruder are heating up at start)
rival-blackOP2y ago
All the green leds are on after starting the board.
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rival-blackOP2y ago
This is how i connected the ssr
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rival-blackOP2y ago
The neutral goes into the bed heater to the ssr. And L is connected directly to the psu The blue cable in the ssr need to be brown. But the wiring seems to be ok.
Snoopy311952y ago
Just making sure, this is not one of the boards that got shorted, right?
rival-blackOP2y ago
Nope thats the third board If someone has the same problem here is my issue. The mcu showed a temperature of 178°C directly after starting. If you change manually max temp to 200 you can use the board. But i decided to send it back and get a new one. Dont know why i got the issue. I think something was wrong with the board.
ptegler2y ago
disconnect the power going to the ssr (remove AC power that can be applied... and see if the temp readings are as before. could be your probe is simply not configured properly Have you tried/executed as bed temp PID calibration with success?
rival-blackOP2y ago
No i didnt come to this point. Infirst want to get the steppers to work. Cause i get a connection problem with z

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