Baffled Beginner Has Distorted First Print

Nine months after receiving the V-Core 3.1 500 kit, I have finally printed "something", thanks in large part to help from blacksmithforlife us. It's just a very small, very simple calibration .amf file that was created as part of the SuperSlicer_2.4 installation. Attached are 2 images, one showing what S-S says it should look like, and the other is the distorted "thing" printed in PLA. The skirt was also very distorted. The belts are tight, but not like a violin string. The Rig moves quietly and smoothly. I've searched Discord, Facebook, etc. to see if anyone else had this problem, but haven't found anything yet. Any ideas as to what might be causing this distortion? Help is greatly appreciated. I'm a raw beginner. This is my very first 3-D Printer, and my very first print. V-Core 3.1 500, RatOS 2.0, Octopus Pro, Raspberry Pi 3 B+, filename: "filament_flow_test_cube.amf". SuperSlicer settings are all the defaults for V-Core 3.1, PLA, etc.
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5 Replies
Did it actually stick to the bed?
John Vybiral
John VybiralOP2y ago
Yes, quite well. I used a razor-sharp tool to pry it off blue painter's tape. After I posted, I got the idea to use a machinist's dial indicator to see if the X & Y axes are moving the actual amount that they should. It has one full inch of travel with dial increments of 0.001", 0.0254mm. OK, so far I've printed over a dozen calibration "artifacts" and a couple of guitar picks for my rockin', blues-playin', good friend and next-door-neighbor. All 12+ 3D prints have the exact same defect... distortion in the X-Y plane.
have you tried a different slicer to rule out something it is doing? Can you upload your printer.cfg?
John Vybiral
John VybiralOP2y ago
I'm getting closer to making good quality prints. Thanks! A few set-backs with a clogged nozzle and hot end assembly, blown thermal fuse in the heated bed, etc., but quality of printed parts is getting better . Just a word of thanks to blacksmithforlife us for your help. My prints are now coming off the bed with amazingly good quality! The 7 x 7 bed mesh is warped by a whopping 2.5mm., but after spending an entire day jacking the frame into what I hoped would be square, and improving it by only 1mm., maybe 2mm on a 500 x 500 bed isn't so bad after all.
2mm is bad. You should be able to fix that Watch the video linked here

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