Manta M8P + CB1 Stepper Error

Hey all, I'm currently trying to set up a V-Core 3 500 with an M8P&CB1 Combo. Klipper is installed and so far heating, fans and Endstops work. When I try to home my printer I receive this error: TMC 'stepper_z' reports error: GSTAT: 00000002 drv_err=1(ErrorShutdown!) I've checked the wiring for an octopus Board (A1,A2,B2,B1) and changed it for the manta (B2,A2,A1,B1) according to the wiring Diagram (black,green,red,blue). I also checked the connectors for shorts. Lastly I cobbled together the whole printer.cfg from the RatOS-configuration GitHub. I tripple checked the pins for my Manta and replaced all the aliases correctly. Can anyone point me in a right direction or even better offer a solution? Is there anything else I need to provide for help? Thank you for reading!
10 Replies
Have you tried replacing the driver?
SemorphimOP3y ago
I was fairly certain I already did, but to be safe I switched the drivers around again and used one of the two spares aswell. After a fresh Restart of the Printer I got this error: TMC 'stepper_z1' reports error: DRV_STATUS: 001300e0 s2vsb=1(LowSideShort_B!) ola=1(OpenLoad_A!) olb=1(OpenLoad_B!) cs_actual=19 After that every other time I restarted the firmware I got TMC 'stepper_z' reports error: GSTAT: 00000002 drv_err=1(ErrorShutdown!) Then I shut down everything again, pulled the plug and restarted again. The first time tis error was shown: TMC 'stepper_z' reports error: DRV_STATUS: 001300e0 s2vsb=1(LowSideShort_B!) ola=1(OpenLoad_A!) olb=1(OpenLoad_B!) cs_actual=19 After that every other time I tried the regular one was shown: TMC 'stepper_z' reports error: GSTAT: 00000002 drv_err=1(ErrorShutdown!) Sidenote while trying to hotplug the 2209 Drivers one burned up on me. Stupid mistake... But as far as I can tell the Board was not damaged by it.
that generally means you have bad wiring somewhere
SemorphimOP3y ago
For the three z Motors I used the wires supplied with my order. I just switched the wires around so the wiring from the octopus matched my manta one.
I just switched the wires around so the wiring from the octopus matched my manta one
where they not working the way they were supplied?
SemorphimOP3y ago
To be honest I dont know If they would have been. I've looked up the pinout for the octopus ( and noticed that the wires are arranged A1,A2,B1,B2. Now the manta m8p V1.0 ( says 2B,2A,1A,1B. I thought it could cause problem not switching the wires up so I did.
well just judging by the error message something with the wiring is suspect. Either it isn't connected well, or a bad crimp or something especially if you changed the driver and it is still the same Z that it is complaining about
SemorphimOP3y ago
That would mean If I switch the motors around, lets say connect the X Cable to the z driver and test again, a different driver should show the error? I'll try that real quick Okay, I seem to have f-ed up the wiring... After switching wires to a different motor the error persisted on z. After disconnecting the wires The error popped up at z2. After disconnecting that z3 and so on until I had no wires connected. Now how should the plug be wired up correctly? Because in theory nothing should have been bad as I matched the A's and B's correctly... By the way thank you a lot for answering my questions.
I honestly have no idea because I self sourced and I just used the wiring that came with the steppers without changing anything and it worked perfectly. Hopefully someone else can answer you
SemorphimOP3y ago
Could you tell me the colors from the stepper plug and in which order they go in to your board as reference? ^^

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