v-core 4 500 hybrid - belts tension and motors help

Hello, I have a vcore 4 500 hybrid enclosed. I'm experiencing multiple issues, but I'll post the bed mesh ones in the other dedicated channel. My goal is to print large ASA parts but either due to warping or for ringing, I can't achieve good results. These are the graphs I obtain without the hybrid belts. The hybrid motors are mounted and hooked btw. - Can someone help analyse what's wrong here and how to fix it? I've already disassembled and reassembled all motor plates, bearings, spacers and belts: they seem aligned. - All bearings should move freely: but does that mean that they have to spin a bit after making them spin with the finger fast ? Like a skateboard wheel ? During assembly I noticed some of them were spinning very freely while others just normally, with not much inertia after the spin. - In the graph does lower belt correspond to X motor and upper to Y motor ? - If a peak is higher means that I have to reduce the tension of the corresponding belt, or do I have to increase the other one ? - when I move the toolhead by hand, especially on X axis it seems to me that there is too much resistance and noise but maybe it's normal??: how can I check that the motors are actually working well in sync and they are not struggling for too much tension or whatever(as I seem to hear a lot of dragging noises especially when doing small circular movements) ? The problem is that I have no idea how much resistance is considered "normal" with 2 motors and 2 belts. In the photos my machine setup with closeups and the result of a test print in ASA (100C bed, 260C hotend), printed on purpose at the left back corner of the plate (where it seems there is a little depression, to test bed mesh and scan compensation): lots of curvy edges, ringing everywhere. First layer at 25 mm/s and then at 100 mm/s. The video shows how much tension there is in the belts and how "hard" is to move the toolhead around (motors are hooked but no power to electronics)
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1 Reply
FabiolousOP5mo ago
So by tightening with zipties the cables better and fixing a loosen bolt results are a bit better. Can anyone pls comment/help on the video where I move the toolhead around if it looks way too much noisy and dragging ? Also, while printing with top enclosure panel do you guys leave the umbilical tubes touch and hit the panels ? Did you bend the metal wire down ?

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