Need help dailing in PA and EM after upgrade
Hey guys, I want to tap into your knowledge.
TL;DR: Need help dailing in PA, EM and maybe input shaper?
Since switching to the orbiter v2 and the rapido uhf with the .6 nozzle, I am having trouble figuring out the extrusion multiplier and pressure advance. I am running the exact same setup on my Minion with no issues, so I made the decision to up the game on my Voron.
I have tried several flow calibration tests (orca slicer and super slicer) and on the last one I cannot even tell the difference between EM 1 and EM 0.92.
The filament I am trying to dail is Formfutura rTitan, but I have had the exact same problem with every other filament since the change.
My settings:
PA: 0.032 and 0.04 smooth time
Retraction 0.5 with 40mm/s retract/detract
Hot end 255 degrees and bed 90
Fan default speed 40% but can be increased to 55% if layertime is below 7, overhangs 85%.
Outer perimeter 125mm/s @3500
Inner perimeter 250mm/s @6000
Line width .62 and .68 for infill and first layer
Line height .2

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