mcu: Unable to connect
Thanks to blacksmithforlife us’ FAQ’s I’ve definitely made some progress. Windows 10 laptop is now talking to Raspberry Pi 3 B+ flashed with RatOS 2.0.0, and Mainsail is talking to Moonraker. All software components have been updated to the latest versions, so it appears something is connected to the Internet via WiFi. Making progress!
Moonraker is not talking to Klipper however. On the laptop’s RatOS DASHBOARD, it says, “Printer is not ready. The klippy host software is attempting to connect.” Then, a few seconds later, “Klipper reports: ERROR” and “mcu ‘mcu’: Unable to connect.” Octopus Pro has four tiny LED’s: POWER (steady red), MOTOR POWER (steady green), another steady red not labelled, and a very rapidly (~3fps?) flashing red STATUS light. As advised somewhere “official”, there are no cables plugged into the Octopus except power and the USB-C >< USB-A cable (Pi end).
This printer is a standard Rat-Rig V-Core 3 500 kit. It’s my first 3D printer, but my 2nd major “mechatronic” project in my retirement. The 1st was a 3-axis CNC milling machine, which is working OK except for a noisy spindle motor bearing.
Any & all help is appreciated to fix this “mcu: Unable to connect” problem. Happy to buy pizza and beer! THANKS!
16 Replies
Did you update your printer.cfg based on your setup?
Thank you for your reply. Yes, but I will go thru it again, just in case I missed anything.
did you flash your octopus board?
Probably not, because I don't know how. Is it done via the USB cable from the Pi, or a second micro SD card in the Octopus' SD card slot?
with ratos it should guide on what to do
but yes you need to download the firmware to a different SD card than the one the pi is using (make sure it is fat 32 formatted) and then you need to put that into the octopus, turn the power on, wait 10 minutes (just to be safe), power it down, take SD out and verify firmware has been renamed (see documentation for all the details, this is just high level overview)
Thank you so much! Are you a blacksmith, for real?
hobbyist blacksmith is the last project I worked on
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New item by John Scancella
Ha! In 2023, I don't think there's any other kind!
Nice work!
you would be surprised! My friend does it for a living
Ok, I admit I'm over my head. I'm doing a lot of guess-work. After figuring out that the 2nd SSD card ( for the Octopus) should NOT contain a duplicate of what's on the 1st one (in the Pi), I went to GitHub>BTT> Octopus-V1.0>Firmware>Klipper & down-loaded a binary file named "Firmware-F446-USB.bin." Not sure if that's the correct file, but I'm certain the Octopus has the STM32F446 chip. Next, should I use balenaEtcher to transfer the file to the micro SSD? Or "Copy & Paste"? I chose the latter. Well, that didn't work, so next I will try balenaEtcher.
Nope, wrong file. Read through the steps in the ratos documentation. You need to go to the configurator and it will give you the correct firmware to install.
so step one: go to http://RatOS.local/configure?step=1
If that doesn't work, you will have to replace
with your pi's IP addressOK, thanks. I hope somebody pays you to do this, 'cause I think you SHOULD get paid... a LOT!😀
lol, no. I enjoy giving back to open source projects so I am just paying it forward
Problem SOLVED! Thanks to YOU! Made lots of other progress today as well. Do you have a Patreon thing going on anywhere on social media? If not, maybe you should consider it? FYI, a short 20 minute flight from my home airport, there's a blacksmith shop, open only on week-ends, in a permanently inhabited town that is also a California State Park. The only traffic allowed on Main Street is a stage-coach. The sidewalks are wood. The entire town is a place to learn about California Gold Rush history.
Nah, but if you really want to give you should give to Mikel so that he can work on Rat-OS more