V-Core 3.1 not compensating for BED MESH profile

Has anyone else a problem with the compensation for uneven bed during print not happening? I have done a bed mesh, but during print the z-axis is not moving at all on the current layer, so it seems that the printer is not compensating for the bed mesh profile. It is a newly configured V-Core 3.1, so everything is default in the start print profile. Do I need to add something to START_PRINT myself in order to get the printer to compensate for the bed mesh profile? I am running RatOS 2.1. Also I have tried to change from Purgeblob to PurgeLine in my printer.cfg but for some reason it keeps doing the blob instead of the line. Hope someone can point me in the right direction. Best regards.
It is fixed!!! I retro fitted the beacon probe to my VCore 3.1, and of course did calibration of it. What I was not aware of was that I needed to do z-offset calibration. I found that part in the V4 commisioning guide. Now it is perfect. Aftermath. Although the z-offset fixed it to some extent, what really fixed it was the latest release of RatOS 2.1 where the becon functionality got an overhaul and an issue where z-offset was erased at the beginning of every print was fixed. Now z-axis compensates properly according to beacon scan and the ripples and inconsistencies from front to back and left to right are equalized in the first layer....
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15 Replies
cgrr5mo ago
Purge line was deprecated, it is only blob now. Also, did you add the 2.1 specific g-codes to you slicer?
NickiDotDkOP5mo ago
Hi Cgrr, I only added START_PRINT to PrusaSlicer, nothing else. I didn't see anywhere to add other than that. It does beacon probing, bed levelling, mesh and all the other stuff before the print starts, I just don't see the z-axis move at all in the current layer it is printing at. It is quite obvious that there are som imperfections in the mesh since it lays a perfect first layer at the right side of the bed, but when it moves to the left it starts scraping the layer a bit. After doing a bed mesh profile do I need to tell somewhere to load that in START_PRINT maybe? I haven't been able to find any specifics about that.
cgrr5mo ago
That is where your problem lies, whole bunch of lines need to be added: https://github.com/HelgeKeck/RatOS/blob/documentation_v2.1/site/docs/slicers.md
RatOS/site/docs/slicers.md at documentation_v2.1 · HelgeKeck/RatOS
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - HelgeKeck/RatOS
NickiDotDkOP5mo ago
@cgrr Was a good suggestion. I have just checked and unfortunately that was not it. I had already configured PrusaSlicer to VCore3.1 and all those values were set. I hoped that was it. It is really odd that I don't see any z movement on the current layer.
NickiDotDkOP5mo ago
This is my Mesh, and as you can see it is not perfect.
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cgrr5mo ago
Not sure what size you have but in any case that would not be the cause.
NickiDotDkOP5mo ago
It is a 300. The right side is perfect and moving to the left it starts to scrape lightly on the print. It gets more and more obvious the furrther left it comes. I can see that when it speeds up after the initial layers the z-axis moves ever so slighty. It was just not visible at first layer speed. I am a bit lost as to what can produce the scraping since it apparently does move the z-axis, just not enough it seems.
NickiDotDkOP5mo ago
Here you can see the issue. I made a video but it is way to large to upload unfortunately.
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NickiDotDkOP5mo ago
And I see no scraping on the upper layers. It is the first 4-5 layers it seems.
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NickiDotDkOP5mo ago
And another odd thing is that the brim is perfect with no scraping at all.
VisualTech485mo ago
For first layer, basicly you can try to add a bit more points, but for a 300 0.2x you can do a bit better. But regardless after the second layer, unless its a CF or a filled filament it should be smooth as a butter. So you may have a Z issues or other issues if its scraping too much. Like the rigid coupler not connected firmly to the shaft etc.
NickiDotDkOP5mo ago
@VisualTech48 It is a V-Core 3.1. It is firmly and tight screwed together so I really don't get why it is scraping. I am not sure what to try anymore.
VisualTech485mo ago
Well even if it's firm it can be too firm as well. You can always put z hop on 0.2 and try as a fix. Because unless the bed mesh changes over time or just isn't precise enough it can scrape along with other really minor issues that can cause that. But try a small z hop and see how it goes. For first layer perhaps first try more point and maybe fix the mesh if it's frame related.
NickiDotDkOP5mo ago
I wil ltry that. How many points do you think? 5x5 or more? How would I specify z-hop? In START_PRINT macro, or? Thanks for your time btw. The mesh doesn't seem to change over time. When I redo the mesh it seems to look identical from calibration to calibration.
NickiDotDk5mo ago
It is fixed!!! I retro fitted the beacon probe to my VCore 3.1, and of course did calibration of it. What I was not aware of was that I needed to do z-offset calibration. I found that part in the V4 commisioning guide. Now it is perfect. Aftermath. Although the z-offset fixed it to some extent, what really fixed it was the latest release of RatOS 2.1 where the becon functionality got an overhaul and an issue where z-offset was erased at the beginning of every print was fixed. Now z-axis compensates properly according to beacon scan and the ripples and inconsistencies from front to back and left to right are equalized in the first layer.

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