AWD TMC 5160 issue
Ive built the mechanical aspect of the AWD setup and am now currently trying to program it it RatOS, ive made it as far as the printer recognizing the 4 motors but when ever i ask it to move i get this issue. here is the start of the conversation.
54 Replies
these are my configs
i put my stepper settings into my printer.cfg have u tryed that?
i have an include at the bottom of my printer.cfg
your saying add all of it in not as an include
This means klipper can't communicate with your drivers. Make sure all jumpers are set correctly (power jumper and SPI jumpers).
Delete this:
all of them are set to 48v and the jumpers are set to SPI
i deleted that section
can u take some pics of the board and drivers? 🙂
yep that looks good
Have u tryed switching your stepper drivers? Perhaps a faulty one?
Try swapping drivers around and see if the problem moves
Also make sure the 48V PSU is on a green light in the motor power LED so i assume that part is fine
Oh and remove this jumper
i even double checked it 48V is good to go
i sawapped the driver
pulled the jumper
same error after swapping?
same stepper?
stepper_y1 each time
it was stepper_x first?
yes at the beginging
now it y1
Could be a stepper driver is dead
check the back of it for "Holes" 🙂
I had a dead stepper driver i was boxing with for a long time before i found out 🙂
Then the CS pin is prolly wrong
If u can wait for toomorrow u can have my printer.cfg 🙂
@mr.robot7392 yeah you're off by one
It's PC7 and PF2, not PC6 and PC7
Should be:
do you always know what to do
Thank you
yes thats it
@miklschmidt you sir are a god damn saint
Some times it takes me a while 😂
but youve saved my ass once again
thank you very much
You're welcome 🙂
ok moving onto PId tunning
thank you
is there anything else i should do before i move forward??
Don't think so, follow the guide if in doubt 🙂
make sure your motors run the right way 😛
i think i have a few more things to work out
up and left arrow keys move the motors towardss the rear right and right and down arrow keys do the opposite
Yea, Thats also were i got too 😛
@miklschmidt got anything for this one lol
invert the dir pins of X and Y. 5160's have inverted movement.
Oh and when i say X and Y, i mean both X and X1 and Y and Y1
So put ! where there is non and remove ! where they are?
all 5160 's have inverted movement
Will have to do that aswell then 😛
If there's a ! remove it, if there's none add it
you want
Oh @mr.robot7392 you want to check your [stepper_x1] and [stepper_y1] pins those are also off by one
thats commented out
Not in the one i have, can you post your current stepper configuration?
It isn't
You need to fix those
oh the dir pin
i thought you meant the cs pin
im sorry
No all of them. step, dir and enable
They're all wrong
it's the wrong pins
See this message i'm replying to
@mr.robot7392 once you've fixed those and added ! in front of the
s it should work. If the movement is still weird refer to this:ok i got them all moving the right direction
so they all move in the correct direction but when i move left to right there is horrible sound and stutter
forwards backwards no problem
If they were fighting eachother i'd assume it would make noise on Y moves too.. Could be that you just need to sync the pulleys.
In any case, the AWD motors might need to spin the opposite way of the original ones, depending on how you're doing AWD.
I got it all sorted the belts needed tensioning there was too much slack and it was skipping over the front motors
Ah ok
Great 👍