Looking for code lines for a BTT Octopus max EZ

I have done a lot with custom edits in marlin but am brand new to ratos/klipper and at a loss when trying to install a custom set of hardware options not listed in the ratrig default. I have a octopus max ez with the ez5160 stepper drivers in motor 1,2,3,5,6,7 and a two wire pt1000 running off an ez31865. What I am looking for is either the location of lines of code that needed to be edited or the framework to make additions in the users overrides section. I have looked at both the klipper documentation and the ratos guides and while they do give the outlines there are no libraries of code, that I could find, to assemble working commands from.
6 Replies
you should read https://os.ratrig.com/docs/introduction and https://os.ratrig.com/docs/configuration/includes-and-overrides once you understand those, you should be able to support a different board. For doing 5160's see https://os.ratrig.com/docs/configuration/advanced-stepper-configuration
Clockwork Apocalypse
I have read those and I understand how to make the changes, the issue is what do I need to put in the override section. I have a different motor and a 5160 on the extruder, where do I find the code syntax to add that in. The main issue I'm running into is that in marlin the needed code syntax came written out and you could change values such as pin addresses or voltages as needed. Each component had all the needed values written out and you just filled in the correct ones. Where is the reference library for the expectations each hardware component has.
sorry, I am not understanding. You are saying you read it and understand how to make changes but then asking how to make changes? If you are looking for the documentation, it is just klipper https://www.klipper3d.org/Config_Reference.html If you are looking for the pin names, you have to consult your board's documentation (in this case the octopus max EZ)
Clockwork Apocalypse
okay let me pose this a different way. Lets say I wanted to add steppers without any preconfigurations, just line by line, where would I find the code for that.
Clockwork Apocalypse
okay I will further into this I ended up having to dig into 5 different config files on the github to compile all the needed lines of code but for the time being it looks like I have a working override section im going to do some more testing after work and if it does work I'll post the code for anyone else trying to get this to work

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