Stepper Wiring Issue
Board: BTT Octopus Max EZ 1.0
Steppers: StepperOnline 17HE19-2004S
Im using the original harness from RR, but I have repined the main board side to what I believe is the correct order from my understanding of the stepper spec sheet and the BTT Max EZ manual.
Despite this, Im still getting the following error:
TMC 'stepper_x' reports error: DRV_STATUS: c0130020 s2vsb=1(ShortToSupply_B!) cs_actual=19 stealth=1 stst=1From what Ive seen, the wiring is wrong, but I dont know how. Could this just be a config issue? Help me Obi-wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. Please and thanks lol
12 Replies
sunny-green•2y ago
pull out stepper connector from the board (leave it connected to the stepper motor) , with a multimeter check for continuity between this two pair of wires.
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sunny-green•2y ago
before doing anything turn the printer off!
in this way you check if they are wired correctly and if the cable is pinched somewhere
The wiring looks fine.
A wild guess, but It could be that there is a short on the stepper module.
The heatsinks have really bad manufacturing variation, and on some the heatsink comes dangerously close to small SMD capacitors. If they touch, the only electrical isolation would be the anodizing layer.
I have taken all of mine apart and add a thin non-conductive thermal pad in between the heatsink and component.
But I did it as a precaution and never tested what happens without…
If this were the case, you could test using the modules without heatsinks
dependent-tanOP•2y ago
I'll double check it in a minute, but I think you figured it out in the other chat first.
I was assuming that BTT was still following the A/B convention, but putting a 1 or 2 in front of it.
Not the other way around.
I do have it wired wrong
I didnt check on the wires, but I did check on the stepper. Pretty sure I'm stupid and misunderstood what BTT was saying in their manual
sunny-green•2y ago
check them how I showed you, I don't understand what you mean by checked on stepper
dependent-tanOP•2y ago
Sorry. I was able to confirm that the stepper has a coil on black/red and the other on green/blue.
I just tested for continuity on the stepper itself, without the wires plugged in.
I think what i messed up is what I mentioned above
Hold up. Do you have the original motors from Rat Rig or something different?
Because there, the 2 pairs are next to each other (Black+Green, Red+Blue).
But in your PDF they are differently placed!
If you have the „original“ LDOs and used this PDF, you would have obviously wired it wrongly
Same if you have different motors but didn’t change the cable on the motors side
dependent-tanOP•2y ago
Yes, I mentioned In my post I have StepperOnline motors lol
But you helped me anyway, because I was a dork and didn't realize that BTT was using the numbers for coils, not letters. Once I got that straight, I was able to figure it out easy
I didn't want them, but the gentleman I bought the kit from got them instead of the standard LDO motors
I see! ![kek](
dependent-tanOP•2y ago
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dependent-tanOP•2y ago
For anyone in the future who goofed like me, if you're using the RR wiring harness, this is the wire pinning you need lol
Thanks again for you help! And for the max ez config in the first place. Really helped a lot