Print Fail during beacon calibration after update - bug?

I'm running a Vcore 3.1 300 and upgraded from 2.0.2 to 2.1 RC 3 this past week. @miklschmidt Posted an update 3 days ago to Git. I updated the RatOS first. I had already been working on some first layer issues with beacon contact, and believed an update may flush out some of the bugs I was hitting. These first layer gcode files were produced and did print after the RatOS updates, where I did encounter some OS issues and notifications in that print via klipper screen, but couldn't catch them on the screen since I was so closely watching the first layer performance and beacon probe sequences. Those didn't occur frequently, and I only had to print about 5 first layer prints before was able to move forward. The printer begins the full calibration routine, and abruptly, I receive the following message on Klipper Screen (attached pics of Klipper Screen) The message in Klipper Screen indicates that the system is "Probing the end of the Prime Location". So the printer is still very deep in the START PRINT and in calibration land of macros. At this point the printing aborts, but there are no other messages. You can't select 'Cancel' or Pause because the hotend has already cooled down below melt temps. ( I happen to be running PLA on this particular print). But you can back out, and manually set the heater back to the original printing temp, only to be able to select Cancel or Pause, and completely abort the print. Some of the messages I see in the console on Klipper screen are: Adaptive Mesh: bicubic interpolation with a probe_count of less than 4 points detected. Forcing lagrange interpolation. It also seems to stall Mainsail and I do not see any updates in my browser to continue or perform any debug. I was able to SSH to the machine - but I don't see where to find the log files to expose any issues. I had to reboot my machine to reset Mainsail access. Suggestions?
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21 Replies
rubino252mo ago
It's a new install or you update from 2.0.x to 2.1.x? Because for 2.1.x you need a fresh install
CoeusOP2mo ago
This was a fresh install and I updated the 2.1 RC 3 to the updated files.
TheTik2mo ago
And you updated raots first?
CoeusOP2mo ago
there were 2 files - RATOS and the rsync. I updated the RatOS system files first - yes. I beleive the changes were to configuration files, and my system is already set up the way I want, so I didn't pay it too much
TheTik2mo ago
Sorry, not sure what you mean by "two files". I'm referring to the Update Manager which should have far more than two things. This is what mine looks like, bear in mind I haven't updated anything and am still on 2.0
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CoeusOP2mo ago
And JUST hit an error starting a print.... Ah - I am at 2.1 and had hit the update manager for 2 items there. the error flashes quickly and I was just able to capture it in a pic. Same one - "Error evaluating 'gcode-macro SAVE_PROBE_RESULT:gcode".... Used Orca slicer, with the proper start Gcode.
CoeusOP2mo ago
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CoeusOP2mo ago
Have to reboot to get access...
TheTik2mo ago
A hard refresh of the browser window doesn't work?
CoeusOP2mo ago
nope - browser just spins.
TheTik2mo ago
This is beyond me. Grab your printer.cfg and (which you can download from the sidebar in the configurator), drop them in here, and wait for someone smarter than me
CoeusOP2mo ago
will do.
CoeusOP2mo ago
Full config attached here with ratos-debug zip archive file
TheTik2mo ago
fwiw the full error message is Error evaluating 'gcode_macro SAVE_PROBE_RESULT:gcode': TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'NoneType' and 'float' which strongly suggests something didn't update correctly. Can you try running ratos doctor after ssh-ing in?
CoeusOP2mo ago
hmmm - so here's another data point. I use multiple slicers depending on features that I need. I swapped over to using Prusa with the same model and I'm able to print without an error. I need to see what the diffs are. But I had copied over the machine g-code start, finish, etc into all of the slicers - SS, Orca, Prusa. (all latest versions) @TheTik yes - thanks. My print will be done in about 10 mins. I'll grab it afterwards - don't want to spook the Fates.
TheTik2mo ago
The different slicers do have different start codes in the docs, you used the correct ones for each slicer yeah?
CoeusOP2mo ago
I will double check - but certain I copied them from the docs. What should I expect from ratos doctor?
TheTik2mo ago
from my reading in here, you should see it check on all the ratos files, make sure they're not corrupted and up to date.
CoeusOP2mo ago
Understood - just checked both slicers and referenced slicer info - My settings match the docs. Print finished - running ratos doctor. Here is output: ✓ Fixing potential RatOS issues... ✓ Repaired RatOS configurator ✓ Restarted RatOS configurator ✓ Repaired RatOS configuration ✓ Restarted Klipper ✓ Restarted Moonraker Done! Running: $ sudo systemctl restart moonraker Restarting print file where error was encountered. Argh. just mashed my print. Forgot to take it off the bed before starting another print. Hope I didn't squash my settings or mangle parts... Besides - I thought Beacon Contact was supposed to eliminate that aspect ... I haven't been able to use the default homing method variables at all that are described in the beacon documentation.
TheTik2mo ago
It can sense the build plate, not plastic on it
CoeusOP2mo ago
restarting print file that had failed earlier. So that one started without an issue. (Fingers crossed)🤞 finished that print OK. I'll try a few others. I'll post here if something else occurs.

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