Mesh not compensating in back of print volume VCORE3 300

I've recently been trying to maximize the use of my build volume, however I've been running into an issue where the entire rear section of my bed (y 150-300). is lower than the front. My heightmap seems pretty solid with a deviation of around 0.199. I'm using a Euclid probe and the repeatability is perfectly fine, offsets are set, z offset is set etc... I've been trying to find any way to correct this but from everything I see it just seems like the mesh compensation isn't working properly. I saw a few posts saying to change the mesh algorithm and fades so this is what I tried: [bed_mesh] mesh_min: 10,10 mesh_max:270,280 probe_count: 10, 10 horizontal_move_z: 10 fade_start: 0.6 fade_end: 5.0 mesh_pps: 1,1 algorithm: bicubic bicubic_tension: 0.5 split_delta_z: .025 move_check_distance: 5 It doesn't really seem to change, the problem persists. I even tried adding kapton tape under the bed in the rear to lift it up a bit, still the problem persists. I'ts really annoying, preventing me from using my entire build volume.
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31 Replies
mysticfugaziOP•10mo ago
I just put a folded piece of paper on the front of my bed to induce a massive skew in the mesh, and STILL the front is way closer than the rear. Theres no compensation happening from what I can tell.
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mysticfugaziOP•10mo ago This seems to be exactly the issue Im having
Mesh Bed Levelling Issue on Klipper, incorrectly working bed mesh c...
I have checked the probe accuracy and it seem to be fine. I will be happy to read your comments - maybe you have any idea how to fix the issue with incorrectly working mesh compensation. The bottom right corner is always printed too low, and the opposite top left corner is always printed too high.
flow4enol•10mo ago
I had a similar issue but between Xmin and Xmax, frame was not properly squared even mesh wouldn't compensate @mysticfugazi
mysticfugaziOP•10mo ago
@flow4enol was your mesh really drastically slanted though? Im getting under 0.2 variance which isn't much. I think under 0.2 leads me to believe my frame is pretty square
flow4enol•10mo ago
nope not much but there was a clear taco shape between 2 opposite corners of the bed what probe are you using
mysticfugaziOP•10mo ago
im using a euclid Im not getting a taco shape
flow4enol•10mo ago
if there's something I learned is that triple z exposes a lot in some "unsquareness" cases even small ones there's a slight something on the corners that reminds me my issue, you could try to shim the front right foot of the printer, if the frame gives just a little you might see differences, I'm not sure how rigid VC frames are most likely irrelevant, how does a repeatability test look on the euclid
flow4enol•10mo ago
found an old image of mine when it had problems
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mysticfugaziOP•10mo ago
the foot of the printer? How would the foot make any difference to the mesh, its all relative to the squareness of the frame repeatability is perfect on my probe
flow4enol•10mo ago
depending on frame stiffness, which as I already said IDK how RR frames behave my experience is with a 2020 frame, the idea is to "skew" the frame a little to see if it improves mesh, the final fix would be adjusting Y extrusion, you can go directly to that step if you wish to experiment
mysticfugaziOP•10mo ago
hmm I can I guess. Just running more tests, what's crazy to me is the back left corner (0,300) is being probed to be a low point right now compared to the others, but the bed mesh isn't compensating enough on that corner to get it flat. Like the rear is still always lower regardless
mysticfugaziOP•10mo ago
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mysticfugaziOP•10mo ago
and the front here is saying it's higher up, and the mesh is still printing the front too squished to the bed
flow4enol•10mo ago
I still think it needs a little adjustment you don't have much to lose IMO
mysticfugaziOP•10mo ago
youre saying to adjust the frame right
mysticfugaziOP•10mo ago
This is the reality currently, it's still way too high in the rear and not compensating there enough, and the front is squished.
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flow4enol•10mo ago
yes, just a little mine was squishing on the right I believe (not 100% sure) and too high on the left trial and error works 😅 that's how I found out the right way. Maybe try to raise Y extrusions (the ones where the rails are) something like 1mm. check what happens carefully don't even print home, z tilt, mesh
mysticfugaziOP•10mo ago
yeah I've gone through the frame alignment video Ill maybe see if lowering one of the parts of the frames helps, I just know that im pretty much within the deviation which seems okay for frame alignment
3D Printers & a Whiteboard
RatRig V-Core 3: How to Get a Square Frame
This video is for those who struggle getting bed meshed with their RatRig V-Core 3. Please feel free to jump to the chapter you are interested in. 0:00 Intro 1:05 about the v-core 3 frame and bed leveling 8:26 what to take care of in the building phase 9:17 the right square 10:09 build tips 16:50 adjusting the frame according to your bed mesh ...
flow4enol•10mo ago
mysticfugaziOP•10mo ago
flow4enol•10mo ago
those .12 on mine is 250 and I have seen better on the same size, I believe you may be able to get better, hard to but possible
mysticfugaziOP•10mo ago
gotten my mesh this far, adjusted the frame a bit, seems like the rest is all my bed. My first layers are looking better, but still noticing in the front left where the map is red (i.e. closer to nozzle) it';s still more squished than in the blue sections 🙃
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flow4enol•10mo ago
I would give the frame just a little more, I still see 2 opposite corners higher than other 2. another question how many probe points do you have for z tilt?
mysticfugaziOP•10mo ago
z tilt I have a standard 3 probe points
flow4enol•10mo ago
something you could try is probe the 4 corners instead of 3 points, at least for me gives me a more even mesh. tilt range will increase though, but I don't see that as a downside, I'm willing to take a worse tilt range and a better mesh
mysticfugaziOP•10mo ago
interesting, I thought you could only really probe 3 points for the z tilt. Ill try that out and see how it goes
flow4enol•10mo ago
hehe, I never tried but I think you might even be able to probe more if you wish, though I don't see advantages
mysticfugaziOP•10mo ago
right now Ive modified my mesh manually and I get a solid first layer, and I just skip the mesh each print and only do z tilt adjust works fine for PLA but next time I want to print ASA I think it might cause issues
flow4enol•10mo ago
it's a pain having to deal with it manually ensuring klipper is updated is a good idea too, but I don't remember seeing commits related to meshing
mysticfugaziOP•10mo ago
i keep it all updated maybe my euclid isn't good, perhaps its time to try a beacon probe out I dunno
flow4enol•10mo ago
I doubt it, this is what I get with unklicky probe accuracy results: maximum 15.510000, minimum 15.500000, range 0.010000, average 15.506620, median 15.507500, standard deviation 0.001605

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