pin PC7 is an alias for z1_uart_pin

I had to change some stepper settings and after changing the appropriate parameters I have this message Klipper reports: ERROR pin PC7 is an alias for z1_uart_pin Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the "RESTART" command to reload the config and restart the host software. Printer is halted see my configuration [board_pins octopus_pro_429_tmc2209] aliases: steppers x_step_pin=PF13, x_dir_pin=PF12, x_enable_pin=PF14, x_uart_pin=PC4, x_diag_pin=PG6, x_endstop_pin=PG6, # - Driver 0 X y_step_pin=PG0, y_dir_pin=PG1, y_enable_pin=PF15, y_uart_pin=PD11, y_diag_pin=PG9, y_endstop_pin=PG9, # - Driver 1 Y z0_step_pin=PF11, z0_dir_pin=PG3, z0_enable_pin=PG5, z0_uart_pin=PC6, z0_diag_pin=null, # - Driver 2 ZL z1_step_pin=PG4, z1_dir_pin=PC1, z1_enable_pin=PA0, z1_uart_pin=PC7, z1_diag_pin=null, # - Driver 3 ZM z2_step_pin=PF9, z2_dir_pin=PF10, z2_enable_pin=PG2, z2_uart_pin=PF2, z2_diag_pin=null, # - Driver 4 ZR e_step_pin=PC13, e_dir_pin=PF0, e_enable_pin=PF1, e_uart_pin=PE4, e_diag_pin=null, e_heater_pin=PA2, e_sensor_pin=PF4, # - Driver 5 Extruder d6_step_pin=PE2, d6_dir_pin=PE3, d6_enable_pin=PD4, d6_uart_pin=PE1, d6_diag_pin=null, # - Driver 6 d7_step_pin=PE6, d7_dir_pin=PA14, d7_enable_pin=PE0, d7_uart_pin=PD3, d7_diag_pin=null, # - Driver 7 stepper_spi_mosi_pin=PA7, stepper_spi_miso_pin=PA6, stepper_spi_sclk_pin=PA5,
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2 Replies
please upload your printer.cfg
genius23plOP3y ago
Solved - PC7 was entered as pin in orbiter filament sensor - which I have as [include] (found after analysing the klippy.log) - thx

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