New Beta - Klicky

Can someone help me with getting Klicky working pls? Just a quick how to
25 Replies
stormy-goldOPβ€’3y ago
Right now I am getting this
stormy-goldOPβ€’3y ago
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blacksmithforlifeβ€’3y ago
Is Klicky supported by Rat-OS? I thought you had to do it all yourself
Klicky-Probe/Klipper_macros at main Β· jlas1/Klicky-Probe
Microswitch probe with magnetic attachement, primarily aimed at CoreXY 3d printers - Klicky-Probe/Klipper_macros at main Β· jlas1/Klicky-Probe
miklschmidtβ€’3y ago
yes it is Please post your printer.cfg
blacksmithforlifeβ€’3y ago
Cool, I didn't know that! Also GitHub search sucks, I did search for klicky and nothing came up...
miklschmidtβ€’3y ago
On the right branch?
miklschmidtβ€’3y ago
Also once we fix your config, you'll want to read this:
Stowable Probes | RatOS
RatOS 2.0 and higher has support for Stowable Probes. Preset includes exists for euclid, klicky and unclicky at the time of writing. To use one of the presets, you need to uncomment it in your printer.cfg. If you use a stowable probe that doesn't have a preset, you can use any one of the presets as a template, just copy the contents into the USE...
blacksmithforlifeβ€’3y ago
Yup. Their search is useless. I am not at my computer where I can do a proper git grep
miklschmidtβ€’3y ago
Just tried. Abysmal. It wasn't always this bad.
stormy-goldOPβ€’3y ago
There has to be someone with a working config that can share
miklschmidtβ€’3y ago
It's supported natively, all you do is uncomment a line There's nothing to share, it's literally one line I think you just did it wrong πŸ™‚ Just post your printer.cfg and i'll tell you what to do πŸ™‚
miklschmidtβ€’3y ago
It's right there
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stormy-goldOPβ€’3y ago
Where on the Octopus should I plug in klicky?
miklschmidtβ€’3y ago
Wire it like the β€œ5v inductive probe” in the wiring diagram.
stormy-goldOPβ€’3y ago
K , thx Thx, got klicky working. The printer will home but when I do a Z-Tilt it corrects the bed in the wrong direction
miklschmidtβ€’3y ago
Sounds like your z steppers are wired in the wrong order (all this is part of the setup documentation) actually it isn't, i should add a section about that.
stormy-goldOPβ€’3y ago
oh, I never thought of that. Ok, I'll check now That was it. You soo smart.. Thanks again I entered the probe x and y offsets but for homing it's not in the center and for Z tilt the front left and back are good but the front right is not enough to the right....any ideas?
miklschmidtβ€’3y ago
I entered the probe x and y offsets but for homing it's not in the center
Nozzle should be in the center. Isn't it?
Z tilt the front left and back are good but the front right is not enough to the right....any ideas?
Yeah, don't worry about it πŸ˜„ any 3 (or more) points will work for z_tilt, doesn't matter where they are, the plane they form is what's used for leveling.
stormy-goldOPβ€’3y ago
Then all good!!
stormy-goldOPβ€’3y ago
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stormy-goldOPβ€’3y ago
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miklschmidtβ€’3y ago
Very nice!
stormy-goldOPβ€’3y ago
Getting there For a full encloser what's the best spool holder?
provincial-silverβ€’3y ago
I am using SKR V1.3 + EXP MOT V1.0 for my Vcore 3. Unfortunately, RatOS doesn't seem to support SKR V1.3. Can anyone explain to me how these command lines work? I'm using a klicky probe like this but I don't know how to set Variable_attachmove_x/y/z and Variable_dockmove_x/y/z parameters
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miklschmidtβ€’3y ago
This thread is assuming RatOS 2.0 Beta, which has native support for stowable probes, ie. you don't need any of that.

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