NetworkManager not working after update

I did a update yesterday ... first i had the Issue that it was showing nearly everything corrupt... did the Hard recovery and finally everything showed up to date ... now i cant connect anymore to the printer as the klipper screen showing this errors ... no idea what to do now
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46 Replies
yeah, you can't connect to it because the PI can't start the network manager (which is what controls it connecting to the network). As I said in #ratos-development I would remove that SD card and using a different one reflash ratos. Hopefully it is just a corrupt SD card. If that still doesn't work, start unplugging things from your PI and see what is interfering with it starting up
miklschmidt10mo ago
NetworkManager isn't installed on RatOS at all. never was It's entirely possible KlipperScreen thought it was a good idea with a hard dependency on NetworkManager, but that's seems real dumb, so hopefully that's not the case. Especially because NetworkManager suuuuuucks
Jäärne10mo ago
Same issue here after update
miklschmidt10mo ago
Incredible.. That's a bug in KlipperScreen then.
miklschmidt10mo ago
network: new NetworkManager backend using sdbus (#1269) · KlipperSc...
* network: new NetworkManager backend using sdbus drop support for old methods * rescan changes * add wifi on-off
miklschmidt10mo ago
This makes it much easier for me to drop KlipperScreen in 2.1.0... It no longer works will check if it can be disabled @DOAmatrix @Jäärne see: for a temporary fix If KlipperScreen decides to die on that hill, so be it. I will remove it and replace it with Mainsail in kiosk mode.
DOAmatrixOP10mo ago
hi thx for your response ... i just started again the printer and just by miracle he connected without issue ... this is very strange as i did that i then afternoon for like 20 times ... very strange
DOAmatrixOP10mo ago
I have no idea what happened ... but at least you gave us a workaround if it fails again .... short question : what value should be minimum_cruise_ratio ?
miklschmidt10mo ago
0.5 is the default
DOAmatrixOP10mo ago
what is going on with my printer ... just error and error ... what is the problem now again 😕
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DOAmatrixOP10mo ago
okay uncommended #[include RatOS/homing.cfg] now <. Section 'gcode_shell_command generate_shaper_graph_x' is not a valid config section
miklschmidt10mo ago
this looks like you asked moonraker to do a hard recovery of RatOS... That deletes the entire thing and reclones it, killing all setup. fix:
sudo ~/printer_data/config/RatOS/scripts/
sudo ~/printer_data/config/RatOS/scripts/
You kinda need homing... 😅
DOAmatrixOP10mo ago
hmm its not working i think 😦
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miklschmidt10mo ago
Ah you killed the configurator too 😂
DOAmatrixOP10mo ago
it seems like i have to make a fresh install ? when i updated yesterday nearly all showed corrupt so I did hard recovery one by one until they wére all updated ... seems like it was a bad idea
miklschmidt10mo ago
yep 🙂
They show corrupt until it can connect to GitHub and verify the versions
miklschmidt10mo ago
I still need to talk to Arksine about this, it's an odd choice to mark a repo corrupted because it can't reach github
Leads to so much confusion
miklschmidt10mo ago
You can fix the configurator like this:
sudo ~/ratos-configurator/scripts/
sudo systemctl restart ratos-configurator
sudo ~/ratos-configurator/scripts/
sudo systemctl restart ratos-configurator
Then do the script. I think i created an issue some time back
miklschmidt10mo ago
ah was just tangentially related
Ensure time is synced before refreshing the update manager status. ...
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe From my analysis of a few cases of "corrupt" repositories (they're not actually corrupt) on fresh sd cards, it looks like...
DOAmatrixOP10mo ago
still errors ... i better stop and do a fresh install 😕
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miklschmidt10mo ago
You can grab the new 2.1 if you want, created all the branches and a new build yesterday (basically the same as what will be released later this week).
miklschmidt10mo ago
Prepare workflows for v2.1.x · Rat-OS/RatOS@821e5f3
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - Prepare workflows for v2.1.x · Rat-OS/RatOS@821e5f3
DOAmatrixOP10mo ago
yes sure ... thx will go for that one ... thx a lot for your help
Does that have the CB1?
miklschmidt10mo ago
No, but the release will (this one was built before you reported it working 😅)
Jäärne10mo ago
Update: on my side I had the same messages, but the real problem was change on ip adress. From klipper screen - system, can be found the actual ip adress and after chancing that to the slicer device configuration everything started working. But still the messages are there in network status.
miklschmidt10mo ago
KlipperScreen network tab will remain broken. They chose to drop support for everything but NetworkManager, and we're not using NetworkManager as long as i can avoid it. It screws up the RatOS network configuration anyway, and shouldn't be used.
cgrr10mo ago
I had the same happen as happened to DOAmatrix including identical troubleshooting result as the image he posted. I guess it is fresh install 2.1 for me as well. Will the 2.1 RC update from the Beta or will I have to do another install when 2.1 RC comes out?
Will there be a note in the RatOs docs for new users to understand what is happening?
DOAmatrixOP10mo ago
i really like the new configurator ... so far i got all running ... only my part cooler doesnt work ... need to check my old config maybe
miklschmidt10mo ago
Thanks! I prolly didn't do a good enough job of explaining the "digital pwm vs input voltage pwm" thing. How is your part fan connected and what option did you choose in the configurator? With what specifically?
DOAmatrixOP10mo ago
I think you did a great job !!!! maybe i just used the wrong setting for it .... this is what i did in oiverrides :
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miklschmidt10mo ago
Are you using a 4-pin port? These pin aliases are exclusively for dedicated 4 pin headers. Only a few boards have those (Manta, Octopus Max EZ, SKRat, Kraken) You shouldn't need any overrides All options are available in the configurator, you just gotta pick the one that fits your fan and wiring
DOAmatrixOP10mo ago
yes im using the octo max ez and connected it like on the picture ... because i never understood how to connect these fans on the ebb42 and did not want to burn something again 🙂
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miklschmidt10mo ago
Aah good. This will work (however the eFuse on the max EZ might not like the high amp 12v fan, there's been some weirdness with that, i guess that's what your old max_power: 0.7 is for) So in the configurator you just pick "Digital PWM on 4-pin port" Then you can reuse those last 4 lines in your overrides:
tachometer_poll_interval: 0.0005
cycle_time: 0.01
max_power: 0.7
shutdown_speed: 0
tachometer_poll_interval: 0.0005
cycle_time: 0.01
max_power: 0.7
shutdown_speed: 0
Concerning Network Manager and Klipper Screen
miklschmidt10mo ago
So the only way you'd see this black screen and error is if you go into the klipperscreen settings and click on Network. If you follow the installation instructions you'd never see that screen anyway.
miklschmidt10mo ago
I guess i could add a note about KlipperScreen dropping support for everything but NetworkManager in the FAQ section or something. But you're not supposed to use klipperscreens network panel anyway
DOAmatrixOP10mo ago
so means i could go back to configurator and just use the "Digital PWM on 4-pin port" and my changes like inverting axes will stay ?? yes i had to reduce the max power otherwise i had to chnage all my fan settings in the slicer cause the eFuse was triggered at max power ... im using this super fan from which Helge was showing some time ago but the fan need to much power
miklschmidt10mo ago
so means i could go back to configurator and just use the "Digital PWM on 4-pin port" and my changes like inverting axes will stay ??
Yes 🙂 On the last page of the wizard it'll show you the changes it wants to make. If it wants to change anything in printer.cfg you're required to sign off on or ignore the changes before you can save the new changes. The only thing that is written to printer.cfg by the configurator are position_min/max/endstop, rotation_distance and stepper directions. Neither of those will need to be updated unless you change the printer, board or stepper motor slot allocation, so it shouldn't even ask you for anything. ah that's not true, it puts probe pin in there as well. But that's it. I will make interfaces for these things later down the line so that nothing except [include RatOS.cfg] will be written to printer.cfg.
DOAmatrixOP10mo ago
its printing now again :ratrig_heart: i guess I just keep this override for now ... at least i know now where I can/need to change it if needed ... fantastic job Mikl :ratrig_heart:
miklschmidt10mo ago
thank you so much! 🙂

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