"Oh, my V-Core 3.1 is working almost perfectly. I'll make it even better" then this

I'm a moron. I had my V-Core in a great spot, but I started getting some weird resonances. At the end of my troubleshooting I replaced the rails/carriages, which got rid of the resonance noise, and also put in a light weight gantry. But while doing all of the prior troubleshooting, I must have misaligned something related to the lower belt and I believe from the belt tension graph it must be binding somewhere? Would the the lack of higher frequency resonance suggest an issue with the back run of the belt? All micro shims are installed and accounted for as well. What's interesting is that I ran the input shaper graph. I've never seen two peaks like this before on my printer, but also having a y axis mzv smoothed accel of 12k seems kinda fun? IS values from the beacon's sensor.
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4 Replies
VisualTech486mo ago
I'm no peak expert, but seing 1e3 means you are binding.
VisualTech486mo ago
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OldKingHamletOP6mo ago
Ah, probably. I was inspecting it, and I think my right rear assembly has some twist or other inflection in it. Best thing to do at this point might be to take the whole corner completely down and rebuild it.
Jamorro6mo ago
if you havent found the issue yet also make sure that the gantry isnt pushing carriages outwards. I had to take mine off and lightly hammer em in to get rid of my binding

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