IDEX TOOLHEAD OFFSET - way out of specification

I have been working through many issues with the IDEX system but this one I just can't seem to get through. The X value for the IDEX offset is @ -8.75 when it should be under 1.2 per the commissioning guide. Both toolheads go to exact x locations above build plate @ -15 and 515 respectfully, VAOC dials in pretty good and returns after exiting and returning so that is all working, the z offset is a little out because I haven't hot tightened T1 yet (in fact haven't even pushed plastic through it yet). I have attached the ratos-debug file for you guys to look at when you get a chance and maybe push me in the right direction.
1 Reply
bguthrie96OP3mo ago
_VAOC_RESET not implemented evidently before every "adjustment" so I believe the changes were stacking. Updated RATOS and reran _VAOC_RESET and all seems to be better so moving on.

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