Reverse bowden easy to push hard to pull

I’ve got an issue with my filament being really hard to pull at the extruder end but oddly it’s freely moving if I push it from the spool end?! It runs from a dry box above my printer down through a BTT SFSv2.0 filament sensor and then into the electronics bay and up through the wire loom hole. I use PTFE with 4mm OD and 2.5mm ID but I’ve tried larger and smaller IDs with no change. Has anyone else experienced this?!
6 Replies
Show us the path the filament takes to the extruder
RossOP13mo ago
I’ll grab a picture when I get home
RossOP13mo ago
here's how its routed; I had another fiddle with it and I think it may be the eibos filament dryer as its easier to pull from the extruder end if I give the filament slack (though still feels harder than pushing it into the bowden by the spool manually).
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that is a very sub optimal route. You want it as short as possible and without many bends. You have 3 different bends in it and what looks like way more length than you need
RossOP13mo ago
It’s as close as I could get to the recommended route and isn’t much longer though does have an extra bend at the end 🤔 the only other option I can think of would be to route it out the top panel which I don’t use anyway but I wanted to avoid holes in the top as I figured heat would escape. Maybe if I tap a hole for a bowden joint connector it would be ok. Is there a better path I’m missing to a spool above the printer?
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RossOP13mo ago
Found the issue; apparently if you turn the Eibos Polyhemus filament dryer off while its rotating the spool in drying mode the cam for the rear rollers doesn't disengage and it locks them causing drag. Turning the rotation feature on and back off frees it up.

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