Toolhead not connecting

I just got my printer fired up and I am setting up my printer.cfg. Can anyone help me firgure out why my toolhead isn't connecting.
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152 Replies
cgrr•12mo ago
Try a different usb cable, preferably a name brand braided 3.1. I am assuming you were able to flash the toolboard.
blacksmithforlife•12mo ago
upload your printer.cfg please
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
I have tried two other cables with the same error.
DJDupidOP•12mo ago
it titled printer-3.cfg as I have two other files in my download so ignore the 3 as it is printer.cfg in klipper. Two of the cables don't say 3.1 but one is from my macbook pro and I thought that is 3.1 but I ordered two 3.1 cables and they get delivered later today hopefully.
blacksmithforlife•12mo ago
Did you flash the toolboard via the configurator?
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
blacksmithforlife•11mo ago
and it was the EBB 42 version 1.2 that you selected? Did the configurator say it flashed successfully?
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
Yes M8p v1.1 board and ebb42 v1.2 both were flashed successfully. the flash was usbc on the ebb and usb on the board. I have usbc to usbc right now. I don't know if that matters.
blacksmithforlife•11mo ago
yes, the USB C on the manta is only for power you need USB A on manta to USB C on the toolboard
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
Well then bingo my friend lets go get a different cable. I will report back shortly. I need to go buy a cable. The BTT supplied one is very short and I have a 500.
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
I got an insignia cable which was all I can find locally. It didn't say 3.1 on it. I see some cables online say 3.1 high speed and now 3.2. Should I still order one of those? My error went from red to orange now. I hear the toolhead fan though for the first time.
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blacksmithforlife•11mo ago
You have to update your printer.cfg to match where you connected your thermistor and what type
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
i thought that was pre assigned. 😄 This is my first ebb.
blacksmithforlife•11mo ago
What thermistor type are you using?
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
pt1000 rapido uhf
blacksmithforlife•11mo ago
Right, you need to tell it that it's a pt1000. It doesn't just automatically know that
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
Its hard to tell what connects automatically and what doesn't. It asked me what toolhead, hotend , and mcu I was running so figured it connected them. Im learning
blacksmithforlife•11mo ago
Rat-OS version 2.1 will be better in that regard
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
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DJDupidOP•11mo ago
it didn't workj
blacksmithforlife•11mo ago
User overrides section
blacksmithforlife•11mo ago
Includes & Overrides | RatOS
RatOS uses a modular configuration that heavily takes advantage of the config file include and merge logic in Klipper. For this reason, the order of includes and overrides are very important, do not change the order of the configuration unless you know what you're doing.
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
What am I learning from that page? Ive only coded one board before. My S5 with a manta m5p. RatOS has more packaged in it so I am unsure what I need to add and what it includes to get my printer up and running. I don't see a heater for the bed in the printer.cfg. Should I assign that too. Do you guys have a checklist for whats needed? I see what you mean. I still get the error
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
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DJDupidOP•11mo ago
Maybe it is the way I have my toolboard wired. I went off the bigtreetech image and not the ratos
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
I have it like in the two images you see here. Highlighted in yellow for the PT100
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blacksmithforlife•11mo ago
Yeah, you might want to take some time and read the documentation. Rat-OS expects you to follow it's setup
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
This is on the THO port with the jumper for PT100
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blacksmithforlife•11mo ago
No need for a jumper for a pt1000 You can just use a regular thermistor port
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
I followed the ratos setup and dont see where I can change anything i even showed it to you and you dont see anything
blacksmithforlife•11mo ago
Did you plug in your bed thermistor?
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
yes in the printer config or into the board?
blacksmithforlife•11mo ago
In the board
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
yes did you read what i posted above with the three images I think this may be the issue if you can confirm that My thermistor is in the bottom left port not the TH0
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
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DJDupidOP•11mo ago
Mine isn't using pin PA0 which is where it is most likely assigned. That was it!!!!!!!
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
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DJDupidOP•11mo ago
I switched those two wires to the TH0 slot where I initially had them but second guessed myself when I saw the BTT image.
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
I clicked Home and now get this error and shutdown. This printer hates me
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DJDupidOP•11mo ago
I know its me but somebody throw me a bone here.
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
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DJDupidOP•11mo ago
I lowered the bed and put paper over it to stop it from triggering but it's staying on.
blacksmithforlife•11mo ago
TMC ‘ stepper _c’ report error: GSTAT: 00000002 drv_err=1 ( ErrorSh...
FLsun V400 I just upgraded to klipper I bought v400 I keep getting this error. TMC ‘ stepper _c’ report error: GSTAT: 00000002 drv_err=1 ( ErrorShutdown!) if anyone has info on what I could do to fix this that would be super helpful. It always shuts down anything lower than 400mm/s. I didn’t realize advanced klipper was. It will be fun to learn...
miklschmidt•11mo ago
The jumper is kinda important on the BTT EBB42 it changes the inline resistor from 4700 to 2200k which improves accuracy quite a bit. You'll need to tell klipper about it though @DJDoupid :
pullup_resistor: 2200
sensor_type: PT1000
pullup_resistor: 2200
sensor_type: PT1000
blacksmithforlife•11mo ago
ok, good to know! Thanks for correcting me
TheTik•11mo ago
Oh! I should change mine to that too then
miklschmidt•11mo ago
Looks like there's quite a few electronic problems to take care of here though. You might have to make adjustments to your filament profiles if you've done any temperature tuning, but it's a matter of +/- 3C if i remember correctly so probably not the end of the world 😅
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
So I add the jumper for the pt1000 on the ebb42? could you please give me a breakdown of the problems you see?
miklschmidt•11mo ago
z driver, probe and thermistor. Seems like you sorted the thermistor, is your probe working? and did you fix the Z driver?
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
only fixed the thermistor You think the physical drivers in the z are bad? I have three more in a box I can swap out. Update: One of my LDO motors came in with crossed wires and I didn't notice until now. I swapped them to the right order and the code went away. Im unsure if I should start a fresh thread for my next issue but I have realigned my belt twice and it keeps riding up and getting jammed.
miklschmidt•11mo ago
All we can say from your error is that specifically Z reports an unrecoverable error, thats usually bad. No word on z1 and z2, they might be totally fine.
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
Z error is gone now
miklschmidt•11mo ago
swapped wires usually shows OpenLoad or ShortToSupply But ok, good
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
it came up as openload
miklschmidt•11mo ago
This was "ErrorShutdown" Did that just go away?
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
miklschmidt•11mo ago
huh... Well, at least it's gone 😄
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
I will take it finicky beasts
miklschmidt•11mo ago
at least if it comes back you know what to do (swap the driver) They're usually not, pretty plug and play
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
I swapped one driver and while I was in there I was double checking everything and noticed the two swapped wires
miklschmidt•11mo ago
Ah so you swapped the dead one 😄
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
with a little luck on my side
miklschmidt•11mo ago
No you definitely did, that makes much more sense 😄
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
my luck is always the last one is the issue
miklschmidt•11mo ago
"Your keys are always in the last place you look" 😆
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
like my pucket pocket or glasses on the head
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
Sorry I'm a pain. I loosened up the top belt and lowered the motor pulley. The toolhead just shudders when I home the printer then get an error because it doesn't move to the x endstop. I'm using NEMA17 Super Power HT LDO-42STH48-2804AH motors for the two rear motors and NEMA17 Speedy Power HT LDO-42STH48-2504AH for the three Z motors. Im running the default. I think I need to make the motor adjustment for the 2804AH.
miklschmidt•11mo ago
That's because either your x or y or both steppers aren't wired properly. Either the crimps are bad or you can try and swap the two middle pins. Those 2804AH don't make any sense on a 500. They're very torque limited. They don't work great without 48V either. But they should still run. So refer to this
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
The other motors are all wired ok. I saw a video of a guy explaining the 2804 being better and the newer version so thats what I went with before knowing you have preset the 2504.
miklschmidt•11mo ago
They're vibrating, so they're not. You're most likely running one of the coils on opposite polarity and thus they're fighting eachother. Like i mentioned, swap the two middle pins on the cable and you should be good.
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
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DJDupidOP•11mo ago
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miklschmidt•11mo ago
You're using 2804AH, not 2504AC :).. Just flip the middle pins 🙂
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
on both or just one? I ordered two 2504AH to replace them. Did you say AC?
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
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DJDupidOP•11mo ago
I partially ordered ratrig parts and half sourced the rest. I didn't see in the BOM a specific motor. So now I need to return all five of my motors and order 2504AC x5?
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
Mine are just rated for higher temps and cost more. Can we make it work?
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miklschmidt•11mo ago
AC has JST connectors on the stepper (which causes the 135C rating). AH doesn't, that's the only difference. No, no no You're fine with what you have, just do as i say and swap the two middle pins on the stepper cable IT takes 30 seconds and you're done
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
on all of my motors?
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
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DJDupidOP•11mo ago
You haven't said if just one wire is wrong or all of them. Is the AH wired differently than the AC. Youre only giving me little bits at a time which is leading to more confusion. You say swap the two wires but on one motor or all? Which motors am I swapping the two center wires on? 5 total Do I leave the z motors alone? Do I swap the two center wires on the left/right or both? Bro come on its been four hours. before I blow a motor or a board can you please just confirm which motor or motors I need to swap the two center wires on.
blacksmithforlife•11mo ago
You know this is an unofficial discord and all of us in here aren't associated with ratrig right?
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
you guys really make it seem like youre trying to work for this copany. You guys are restricting this set up. If this was like regular klipper id have inserted my motor specs and had been done with this. Ratrigs are unfinished products with no support How many times do I have to post pictures of my printer, pictures of diagrams, or my files to just get a straight answer? Nothing in the ratrig documentation specified these motors until you guys limited the selection to the one. How is the public supposed to know? Help or don't but I dont need those types of comments
miklschmidt•11mo ago
This has nothing to do with your config I already told you explicitly what to do I don't know why you haven't done it yet swap the two middle pins on your x/y stepper cables.
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
thank you
miklschmidt•11mo ago
You're having trouble because you went off script, i don't know what these accusations are about
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
that last line is all i needed i didn't go off script you dont have a script they say these are customizable but its not
miklschmidt•11mo ago
I wrote that almost 24 hours ago
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miklschmidt•11mo ago
And i linked to it twice of course it is, but that kinda requires you know what you're doing
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
ldo doesn't reference why the two wires would act differently.
miklschmidt•11mo ago
This is stepper motor 101, there are no wiring standards
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
you just said oh your motors. Im so confused after our last talk
miklschmidt•11mo ago
There are 2 coils, you need to wire those two coils to the two pairs on the board. You can actually read that out from the manual of your board and the datasheet of the stepper. This is what you usually do when you DIY these things
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
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miklschmidt•11mo ago
Now we have this place so you can ask someone who's willingly spending his freetime here helping other and they can give you quick instructions to fix them, but then you don't listen, you don't reply to messages so i don't get any notifications, and you start slinging accusations around because you expect us to to be there 24/7? I don't think that's fair man. Seriously don't spend more money You have everything you need It's just a few simple steps and you're running
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
I already did. I am within my return window on the other motors. I just want my machine like everyone elses. You said my motors lack torque for a 500
miklschmidt•11mo ago
Fair enough, i think that's a good idea, i just didn't want you to throw money at it, because that wasn't really the problem 😄 They'll run, just at lower acceleration
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
my apologies I am just very frustrated with this printer I have no problem swapping the motors. I do want to get the printer running while I wait for them. I am going to swap the two wires on the x/y motors 😄
miklschmidt•11mo ago
To be fair, this doesn't really ahve anything to do with the printer
miklschmidt•11mo ago
To be absolute clear, you need to swap the pins i highlighted here
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miklschmidt•11mo ago
That means instead of blue red green black, it should be blue green red black. That's all
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
Thank you. I am digging in now
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
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DJDupidOP•11mo ago
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DJDupidOP•11mo ago
😓 I need a snickers
miklschmidt•11mo ago
swap X back, might just be Y that caused the vibration These errors "ShortToSupply" "OpenLoad" etc, from the drivers almost always means you wired the steppers wrong. Don't be afraid of "blowing things up", they won't. Steppers are just fancy mechanical electro magnets. Drivers have protection. Also, you can make a lot of headway on your own by just googling the error message Don't forget the Y in DIY.
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
is left x or y?
miklschmidt•11mo ago
First one is X, second one i Y. Like the alphabet. Left = X, Right = Y Some also call them A and B
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
thank you swapped
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
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DJDupidOP•11mo ago
am I a lost cause? I guess the next step is wiring the Y back as well and maybe messing with the direction in klipper. I will start with reversing the X stepper motor direction.
miklschmidt•11mo ago
Hmm.. Might just be the 2804's are not getting enough juice and what you're hearing is the motors skipping steps The direction of the stepper won't make them vibrate.
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
oh that worked it went backward hit the back and started grinding lo so didn't work but did something
miklschmidt•11mo ago
yep now you just need to set the directions correctly I'm assuming you were struggling with a loose pin before then
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
all pins were fin fine its not acting normal though
miklschmidt•11mo ago
Okay, magic then 😄 No your directionality is off
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
instead of it hitting the x endstop it went back and hit the y endstop but that didn't trigger anything to step it kept going waiting for the x endstop
miklschmidt•11mo ago
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miklschmidt•11mo ago
Ah okay so you prolly skipped over the "Verify endstops" part of the manual
miklschmidt•11mo ago
Configuring RatOS | RatOS
RatOS only needs minimal configuration to work, but comes with a lot of optional functionality that you can enable manually.
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
I haven't even gotten to that part yet.
miklschmidt•11mo ago
great then you're back on track 🙂
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
i wish So when I added the ! on the x motor it goes backwards when I home for x. I then removed it. I then put a ! in front of the Y stepper motor and that cause the homing to move forward for x. I rmove that and put it back and it vibrates then started to move in the right direction then vibrated again and stopped
miklschmidt•11mo ago
Record a video As far as direction go: But i need to see the "vibration" you're describing
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
ok hold on i will take a video the file is too big
miklschmidt•11mo ago
huh, we have 100megs of upload.. Put it on youtube or something as a private video
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
it says i am limited
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
I have tried each combo of inverting the motors but nothing works. If I invert one motor it homes the x axis to the front or back. If I invert both motors it vibrates just like not inverting them.
miklschmidt•11mo ago
This really sounds like reverse polarity coils imo (ie, stepper cable pins are in the wrong order)
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
I get off work soon. I will try swapping the wires again and see. New motors get shipped out tomorrow.
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
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DJDupidOP•11mo ago
I swapped the X motor wires again and same error.
miklschmidt•11mo ago
Yeah the wiring is wrong (is what the error is saying). Coil A is shorting to gnd and Coil B has no load. It's possible the motor itself is broken, but that seems unlikely. It's incredibly common messing up the cables, and you're dealing with a different pinout than the RatOS standard, so you're prolly not going to get it right without looking up the motor datasheet and the board motor connector pinout. btw, you mean you're getting the same error on X now that you're getting on Y. Which means you just made the cables the same 🙂 You'll just only see the error reported first. Which is X. The Y error would come right after that.
miklschmidt•11mo ago
So i just looked up the pinout for the 2804AH and they have the same pinout as the 2504AC so the colors in the RatOS diagrams are correct. So what you had initally here:
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miklschmidt•11mo ago
If that makes it vibrate, that would indicate either the crimps are bad, cable is broken (loose connection somewhere) or stepper is dead. It really doesn't sound like the stepper is skipping in the video, but you could try and throw some more amps at the motor and see if it helps. I'm fairly sure it's a wire issue though.
miklschmidt•11mo ago
While looking at your picture it looks a lot like your terminals aren't inserted correctly or they popped back out when you put them in (if you squeezed down the tiny latch while trying to repin the JST, they would stay in there for long, pry it back out with tweezers). Notice how far in the blue terminal is compared to the red and green in this picture:
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miklschmidt•11mo ago
Did you crimp these yourself?
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
same error as the last time we tried i did that today to double check and they are ok The crimps were from LDO and came pre-connected.
miklschmidt•11mo ago
if you're are 100% sure the cables are OK, and have tried higher current (the 2804AC are rated at 2A RMS), then there's nothing left to do than try and swap out the steppers. You will need active cooling on the drivers to run more than 1.1A.
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
I didn't try higher current. My new motors arrive today. Just gonna swap them out and see if I can get back on track. FYI they are 2804AH not AC for some reason amazon doesnt carry AC motors from ldo
miklschmidt•11mo ago
Yeah sorry, same motor different connector (the AH lacks one), still 2A 🙂 AH/AC doesn't matter, it's only about temperature rating because the JST on AC melts at 135C.
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
Yeah weird how amazon only sells AH motors. I thought they were the updated versions. So I am waiting on another Ebb42 as my usbc connector popped off while routing my cables. Question though how important is a 3.1/3.2 cable? The heads seem thick on this cables and mine didn't clear the vertical mount well causing the breakage.
miklschmidt•11mo ago
Question though how important is a 3.1/3.2 cable?
The only reason i'm mentioning this is for the shielding, and even that isn't really that important. You can use anything you have, i've been running a shitty amazon basics cable myself
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
much appreciated as usual!!! I swapped the motors out. Just waiting for the ebb now. Off topic but do you think ratrig will have a conversion kit from 3.1 to 4?
TheTik•11mo ago
they've talked about it, but I wouldnt even look at it. There is SO much different between them including most of the frame that it'd be better to just buy a VC4. In general, when the first number changes, that means it is not backwards compatible/upgradable. So going from 3.0 to 3.1 you'd expect to be able to change things a little. But 3.1 -> 4.0, its a whole new machine.
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
I guess I will have to build another hahah I am coming from a creality cr10 s5 and aycubic kobra
miklschmidt•11mo ago
Yeah like the @TheTik said, it's mostly gonna look like a mechanical kit really, and you're still going to need new x/y motors. They removed the bed from the mech kit to make it pretty much equal to what a 3.1 -> 4 upgrade kit would look like. It's looking like backporting v-core 4 features to 3.1 is the most viable option. quite the step up
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
when I get the new ebb do I need to reflash the mcu and ebb again as a pair or can I just flash the ebb?
blacksmithforlife•11mo ago
just the ebb
DJDupidOP•11mo ago
thank you

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