Input shaper still quite messy after lots of work
Trying quite hard to clean up my input shaper graphs in pursuit of better quality exterior wall alignment, and just general quality.
Part of this has been that today I added a 50mm cement slab under my printer, which sits on some reconstituted rubber sheeting that goes under astro-turf. It's a similar setup to the well known CNC kitchen video.
Prior to this, I've tightened every bolt I could think would affect it, checked the magnet mount panels aren't vibrating, installed XPE foam insulation, which I believe will help dampen at some frequencies (was fitted for chamber heat though). Tightened, loosened, retightened, belts.
The following graphs are Before/After = Left/Right. Any help cleaning these up a bit would be appreciated as I'm a bit disappointed with the results of the slab.

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