Restart is not working

I have been just upgraded my vcore 3.0 to 3.1 and at the sametime installed the toolhead beta 2, also installed RatOS 2.0. What I am experiencing is that the Raspberry hang after a reboot/restart command was give (does not matter via SSH, via Mainsail or via Klipperscreen). Raspberry perform the restart and when it would start to new boot, it just hangs. What I could discovered, if I remove the toolhead USB it is booting further even if it is before unplugging the USB was hanging. I have found here in discord that some of us had similar issue, but did not found the root cause (I found a work around, to cut the USB +5V line - but to be honest I do want to do it, I do not like this kind of hackings) Also found similar thread on Raspberry forum, in case users was using externally powered HUBs. What is suspicious is that the Pi is back powered over USB. But back powering the Pi with the EBB 42 board is not possible, because USB 5V and internal 5V is separated with a diode. Unfortunately I do not have any idea why the restart is blocked by the EBB42 (cold start works, just reboot not). I have tested with and without the USB jumper (J3), it has no influence, because the D5 should avoid to back power the host computer. Is there any solution/idea to solve this problem?
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There are batches of pi's produced during the pandemic that seems to have swapped a particular component that end up causing this behavior. The only way it boots properly is by unplugging the USB devices so that at most 1 device is plugged in when it boots. There is no work around as far as i know, newer and older pi's don't seem to have this issue....
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7 Replies
tikissOP14mo ago
one more discovery, just made, if I disconnect the octopus pro 446 board from the USB I have the same results, it reboots. So if only one USB device is connected (does not matter which one) it reboots. If both are connected reboot hangs. Also tried, one USB to USB2 and the other one in USB3, no change. One thing it solves, if I use a USB powered HUB (so NOT externally powered one), in that case if I connect both USB devices to the HUB, there is no stuck at reboot.
miklschmidt14mo ago
There are batches of pi's produced during the pandemic that seems to have swapped a particular component that end up causing this behavior. The only way it boots properly is by unplugging the USB devices so that at most 1 device is plugged in when it boots. There is no work around as far as i know, newer and older pi's don't seem to have this issue.
miklschmidt14mo ago
Yes your experience is consistent with what others have reported We've never found a fix unfortunately Sorry i can't be of more help! It might be a minor problem, but it sure is incredibly annoying. now that prices have returned to normal, i would personally consider ordering a new pi4 Might seem a little drastic because in all other scenarios it works perfectly fine.
tikissOP14mo ago
thanks, that more than enough I guess, I built the printer in 2021, so most probably I got a "wrong" batch of Pi
miklschmidt14mo ago
yeah that was right around the time this batch was produced
tikissOP14mo ago
I did not know that issue, thanks again, I mark this topic as solved, I consider to order a new Pi
RainingRusty14mo ago
Had the same exact issue. Strangely, leaving one of the USB devices connected to the Pi and the other USB device (in my case also the EBB42) connected via a USB hub instead of directly, side-stepped the issue and was able to boot. It's not a fix but a workaround on my printer. I eventually bought another Pi as I needed one for another printer and only had MCU connected via usb which helped on the "Diffeerent Pi" board. So, I swapped them around.

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