Weird layer lines in print - overextrusion?

Hey, I have really REALLY extreme layer lines. I don't have stealthchop or anything, it's just weird. Might be current to steppers, might also be overextrusion. Stepper current is set to 0.8 for ender 3 style stepper motors which according to my googling is about right. Retraction is set to 0.5mm and 25mm/s
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2 Replies
adverse-sapphire3y ago
Did you change anything in your setup? Filament, temperature, .... , or did it happen suddenly?
dependent-tanOP3y ago
This is among the first times I am using the printer in this configuration. For side note I did notice a bit of wear on the extruder gear, and a lot of filament dust, so I'm going to clean it all out and get a new all metal extruder kit. Well that didnt work, I then had a clog in the hot end and when I fixed that it started leaking out the hot end so I am now buying a new hot end as well lol

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