Can I use a creality adxl345 accelerometer for my DIY ratrig 4?
I am trying to use this creality accelerometer to measure resonance frequency on my ratrig4. It has a USB C out that I adapted to USB A to connect to my Rpi/mcu(octopus 1.1) but I don't know where to go from there. What settings do i need to change/add on my config file so that the mcu or rpi can detect it. Right no i get an error when i try to check using accelerometer_query.
9 Replies
Are you using a toolboard with the printer? If so I think all of them have a built in ADXL. The standard VC4 included a BTT EBB42 toolboard that has it included
i dont have a toolboard
Ah, when you said VC4, we thought you meant following the plan
you are building a v-core 4 without a toolboard?
not at the moment
I am confused then.... your post title says use a creality adxl for a diy ratrig 4.
i want to connect it to the pi or mcu directly not the toolboard
Connect it to your pi, login into the pi with User pi password raspberry.
Execute command
ls /dev/serial/by-id/*
You get your mcu and the adxl in return
Add the adxl in your printer.cfg
[mcu] serial: /dev/serial/by-id/adxl