v-core 4 500 pla prints horrible

I just finished my v-core 4 500 hybrid. I decided to use orca slicer for the v-core (usually a prusaslicer person) and I went with the ratrig generic PLA profile. The material used was a role of PLA which I still had on hand. (eryone silk silver) I printed tons of that material on a voron with 205 degrees on the nozzle so the default value in the profile seemed fine to me. So I sliced a small print and started the printer. My problems began. 1. Cooling Having the fan on 100% cooling was not an option. It led to "spaghetti", the filament cooling down right after exiting the nozzle. So I turned the fan down to 60% 2. print quality The resulting print is literally one of the worst I have ever produced. Holes (rectraction?), missing parts due to them not sticking, bad overhangs (probably due to insufficient cooling) etc. I really don't even know where to start with this, there is just so much wrong with it. Hence this post. What settings do I need to look at? I used the v-core as a reason to get back into the hobby after a 1 1/2 years break (only ran my tuned in voron from time to time for small prints) so my troubleshooting skills are quite rusty. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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3 Replies
TheTik4w ago
I'm terrible at tuning filament profiles, but I do believe many run PLA at like 30%. The part cooling fan is stronk
Ibot4w ago
You can't print silk filaments fast. I have had similar results to yours in the past when I pushed the speeds too much. Try printing with regular PLA and maybe print a test print with all settings set to 40mm/s to check if something is wrong with the extrusion system.
BulMaster4w ago
If this is silk, you also have problem with radiating heat from the bed ruining the front of the boat. Add a big enough brim to absorb the heat.

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